The "There's a hands free kit?" Award goes to Esperanza for Remembering What it's All About.
The Bringing the Bodily Fluids award goes to Andy, Esperanza (obviously), and Amy. Feel better soon, Andy! And Amy, the potty issues do end....eventually. But what do I know? I'm still wiping MM's tushy.
The Morton Salt (When it Rains it Pours) Award goes to DebAngel (I'm so sorry about your illness, your mom, and your dog).
The What Would We Have to Drink Award goes to Miranda! I hope you were able to get the whole thing printed!
The Jack Frost Award goes to Turtlebella, JenR (stay warm inside mommy, baby!), Sue, and especially K (ice INSIDE the windows!)
The coveted Style Award, with attendant Crown goes to Yankee T. for her brilliant new work, "It's a Hard Tooth Cracked".
And finally, the Whine of Substance Award goes to Sue: "Whine: I made a pastoral call yesterday morning to someone who seemed a bit low on Sunday. She ripped about four layers of skin off of me about a stooopid wall hanging that was recently removed from the sanctuary (by Board approval - and it happened while I was freakin' holidays - had NOTHING to do with me).She bitched me out and verbally abused me until she decided to hang up on me. Bitch. They definitely do not pay me enough money to put up with this shit. Today?? I hate my job. Everything about it. I can't get excited about any of it. Not just because of her, but because I feel like I've been told one thing "We want to move forward" but the first change that happened resulted in a complete freak out all over the minister. What the fireplace am I doing here?"
And that is not even including her headache. Hugs and kisses, Sue.
And that wraps it up for this week. Thanks again for your patience and your contributions!! See you next week when our host will be Kathy A.!