
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wednesday Whining...on the road edition

Hi y'all! I'm here in Humidity Like a Brick Wall region, where I just visited with KLee - a major anti-whine in itself. We'll be flying back tomorrow, so I hope I'll have some winging wingeing.

So, what're your beefs?


Susan Anne MacKenna said...

Ooh! First.

Whines: It's hotter 'n Texas here. I'm into my third trimester. Just painful! And Little Miss S has finally started cutting her 2-year molars (she's 31 months).

Antiwhine: Just started my new job last week, and it's awesome. A good place to be for me.

kathy a. said...

a musical ode to my beautiful life:

somewhere, over the rainbow,
cats won't poop
in the bathtub, where
it is hard to scoop.

somewhere, over the rainbow,
years away,
my son will think that
i have some brains, some day.

someday i'll wish upon a star,
and wake up where it's all behind me!
where troubles melt like snickers bars,
but 'till they move sufficiently afar,
the whines will find me....

somewhere, over the rainbow,
college starts soon.
i've been collecting stuff for daughter,
hoarding like a loon.

somewhere, over the rainbow,
parents grouse,
sharing the chips and wine,
quietly as a mouse.

someday i'll wish upon a star,
and wake up where it's all behind me!
where troubles melt like snickers bars,
but 'till they move sufficiently afar,
the whines will find me....

kathy a. said...

well, it's not very lyrical. or rhythmic. i'm counting on YT to bring style to this edition of wednesday whining.

but to tell the truth, who can beat DMD, beating the heat, starting a new job, and mothering molars all in her third trimester? got nothing but kudos.

KLee said...

I got to meet Liz! And we had ice cream! No whines for me! :)

S. said...

Anti-whine of avoiding medical procedures: Thanks to everyone for sending no-surgery mojo my way! My eyes are not fine, but they are way finer than I feared. I don't need to see the ophthalmologist again 'til Valentine's Day, so I'm not whining this week.

Tiruncula said...

Not to sound ungrateful or anything, but:

This week is my birthday. I am turning 42. (I expect to know the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything by Thursday.)

Last year, my stingy old grandmother (known in the family as The Wicked Witch of Manhattan, and who is worth several million dollars) sent me $41 for my birthday.

Today I received a check from the old bat. For $41.

I want my other dollar. It's all going towards vet bills, anyway.

Elizabeth said...

Whine: didn't eat dinner tonight and am feeling hungry just when it's late enough that I should probably just go to bed.

Whine: Neck hurts.

Antiwhine: Both of the above are due to kayaking after work. Hard to complain, even if I totally suck at it (and I do).

S. said...

Tiruncula gets my vote. That's just such a perfect whiiiiiiiine.

Scrivener said...

Definite Old Skool votes for Tirincula.

The only whine I feel like articulating is that we still have no air conditioning and it's been over 100 for at least a week now.

Miranda said...

This is kind of whine/anti-whine all together.

First, you have to understand that I am the family pariah. Snubbing me and my children is practically an Olympic sport. I have done everything "wrong" in their view from joining the military to having a baby at 20 to getting married at 22. My mother's family is very WASPy.

Earlier this evening, I explained to my husband the sequence of events for my grandfather's funeral. The clergy person at my house of worship is also a friend of mine. She offered to lead the service if we needed it.

"So let me get this straight," he asks, "Out of that entire bunch, *you* are the least heathen? You have actual clergy friends and they don't?"

Then we laughed. Loudly. My grandpa would also have found this funny.

DMD - Congrats on the job! I can't believe you are already on your third trimester.

Kathy A - Our animals and children have no idea how lucky they are that we love them. Seriously.

S. - I'm not much on the whole doctor thing either. I'll do my happy dance over here that you got a reprieve for a few more months.

kathy a. said...

ooh, votes and a collection of $1 bills for tiruncula! and free air conditioning for everyone in need! passing the guacamole, goes great with chips and whine.

kathy a. said...

((( miranda ))) very sorry about your grandpa's death. but glad you have friends; i think you will remember him well and truly. xoxo

purple_kangaroo said...

Unbloggables. :(

Tiruncula said...

Thanks for the votes! I put in an early vote for dmd and Scriv for teh hott and PK for unbloggables.

Back with an antiwhine: the IRS heard my plea for $1 and sent me many times that in form of a refund, which will make a substantial dent in the vet bills.

Rewhine: Just trying to clear out the current round of vet bills before Elder Doggie has larynx surgery.

As my mother remarked when I told her about my grandmother's gift, "Brooke Astor only lived to be 105." (My grandmother is 96.)

ccw said...

Where to start...

my husband and FIL had a spat about our home improvement plans and what we needed FIL's help with, etc. FIL blew up and said we were both ungrateful and then out of left field threw out that I am the reason my husband left college.

So that means for the last 7 years the man has been convinced that I am some kind of dreamsnatcher.

My period has returned in earnerst. Cramps, bloating, bithy mood.

My doctor added yet another medicine to my crazy regime. I now feel like a full blown pharmacy not to mention teh crazy is still hanging on.

Yankee T said...

Whiney Ode To Kids Who Leave For College:

Oh sure, when you were little
I was the coolest Mother
I cleaned up puke and spittle,
Baked cookies like no other

As school years came a-knocking
I truly knew the ropes
Made costumes from old stockings
Not like those other dopes

When teenage years descended
My star then lost its shine
But somehow we transcended
And once again, you're mine

So now you say you're leaving
You're cleaning out your room
My shoulders, they are heaving
I weep, oh come home soon.

(Two! Two college kids this year!)

And serious votes for my pal, Scriv, because life in the south without air conditioning, SUX.

Anonymous said...

I whined about this good and long over on my own blog (should you wish to hear the whole sordid story). So now I am going to try my hand at the song-style whining (although this is quite intimidating what with such masters at work already).

Hello Mother Hello (ex-step-)Father,

What are you thinking,
Getting back together?
Divorced you've already been-
Someone pass me the gin!

How can two people who hate each other
Get back together every single time?
He's a passive-aggressive nightmare
But she's lonely and he's there.

You remember shooting the great blue herons,
and the fights about smoking?
Oh no? Those are all now forgotten?
And you're happy as a pair of oxen?

Maybe I should mind my own beeswax
And just stay out of it
And since you're grownups now and all committed--
You can't come running to me with your heart all broke and twisted!

Jenevieve said...

Turtlebella, I had a similar whine when my parents remarried after 12 or so years of being divorced.

Antiwhine: Done with my drasted resit exam. Woot!

Antiwhine: Helping me study has convinced Matt that we should raise our own chickens for eggs since laying hens are treated so poorly. Now all we need is, you know, a place to live where we could have hens.

Non-whine: Hoping that my son is born 3 weeks early, so I can have a month to get to know him (and my breastpump) before school starts!

Whine: Down to 3 names, but we seem to be at an impasse. Sigh.

Whine: Oh, the reflux. The burny burny acid!

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Whine: Dell taunted me by having the cords for my Exciting! New! Computer! arrive a week earlier than they expected. And now it looks like the computer might arrive late. (Considering the fact that the "estimated delivery date" is tomorrow, that the computer is "in transit in the U.S." and I'm on an island in Canada.)

Waiting for fun stuff is for chumps.

Also whine: I have a meeting today to discuss my progress with comps reading. And I am very much behind, to the point that I'm getting panicky. I don't want to go to this meeting.

Camera Obscura said...

Whines of Home Maintenance and It's Too Damn Hot:

Last Tuesday my dryer broke. I couldn't get a repair man until yesterday. I do 10 or more loads of laundry a week.

Last Saturday I stepped into what was supposed to be a hot shower, but was merely tepid and cooling off rapidly. The hot water heater was dead.

We've been having brown-outs daily for over a week (might have something to do with hitting 103° F every day.) It doesn't bring down the computer / cable, but it does reset every damn digital clock in the house. Including the VCR.

Daughter lost her school class schedule. Attached to it was her locker number and combination, and the PIN to her lunch account.

My mother told all of us kids that she wouldn't need any help / moral support during my stepdad's angioplasty. Then at the last minute she called my younger sister to miss work to drive in 8 hours from Dallas, rather than me who has no job and is only 3 hours away. And then when I called to see how the surgery went, she whined about how she had to call one of us to come be with her. Karma being the b!tch that she is, my sister's husband called her 24 hours before she'd planned to go home b/c he'd "accidentally" let the cat out of the house and couldn't find it. So off she went.

Sue said...

Good whines to all of you!! Kathy a and YT for style, definitely.

Happy birthday to tiruncula. And a dollar. How much does that suck? A ton, that's how much.

Whine #1: Detox. Super Doc started me on a new pain medication for my headaches/migraines. That was great. He suggested my fallback narcotic analgesic if it didn't work. That was great.

The pharmacy would not refill the prescription for my fallback medication because I had used up the last order too soon. Ya. Because I was in fireplacing agony. Therefore the new medication. So - no fallback.

Last night I took new drug for the first time. Worked on the headache. yay!

About an hour later, however, my body was searching for Fallback drug. Where is it?? Where is it??

The ENTIRE night I was shaking, sweating and feeling like crap. I was sure at one point that i was filming a scene from trainspotting.

This morning I feel much better.

*sigh* Why can't my head just stop hurting altogether?

Uccellina said...

Antiwhine: * does the dance of morning sickness *

Kristen said...

Whine: my daycare providers' house burned down on Friday.

Anti-Whine: no one was hurt. She didn't have any kids that afternoon.

Whine: She lost just about every material possession that she owns; and her home is unlivable and her business...well, it's hard to do childcare with no house.

Anti-Whine: It's just stuff. All the kids are safe. She's safe. We keep saying that over and over and over...

Magpie said...

My MIL is a pinched uncomfortable weirdo and my mother is a narcissist.

Oh, and my kid won't sleep.

Otherwise, everything is divine.

Elizabeth said...

Yikes, K. Glad that everyone is ok. I can't imagine....

Magpie said...

PS Let's take up a collection for Tiruncula's other dollar!!

Tiruncula said...

Magpie - Hee! Or maybe we could send your MIL and mother to spend some quality time with my grandmother. That would make me feel better.

Anonymous said...

A vote for Scrivener, because that's way too long in way too hot weather for no a/c. And for Sue, because this headache thing is getting to be way too long.

I'm whining that my whines are boring. (Is that a meta-whine? That would at least be exciting). It's hot. I'm tired. And hungry. Rinse, repeat every day.

Phantom Scribbler said...

I vote for Maggie! And PK -- I worry about your unbloggables. And Tiruncula. The old bat!

Elizabeth, let's go kayaking together someday. I assure you that I suck at it so much that you'll feel extremely competent at it in comparison.

Whine: can't stay on this screen -- my dad could walk in any minute. Sheesh.

Unknown said...

Huge vote for Tirincula because cheapo millionaire grandmothers are the worst. Kudos to Kathy A and Yankee T for the lovely poetry. Virtual hugs because real ones are too hot to Scrivener. Get yourself on Freecycle and Craigslist and get a free AC already. It's too hot to live without AC.

My whine is already posted up on my blog in detail. Go read it there. The short version: My son is in the midst of his first ever manic episode and has become a raging lunatic and impossible to live with. IMPOSSIBLE. I'm ready to shoot myself just to get some frigging peace.

Antiwhine: Doctor just prescribed ativan so I can at least be in a stupor during said manic episode. I'm planning on downing the whole bottle and sleeping through the month. Not really, but I'd like to. Mental illness on top of adolescence is about as bad as it gets, people.

Whine: hot water heater bit the dust.

Antiwhine: stove fixed after 4 days of no cooktop and no oven.

Whine: My daughter is totally freaked out my her brother. He's been unbelievably mean to her.

Antiwhine: It's cooling off finally.

Whine: school doesn't start for another 3 weeks. God help me.

Liz Miller said...

Lost luggage.

OneTiredEma said...

Mean lady at the farmer's market.

If the farmers didn't have a problem with me inspecting the tops of the ears of corn, why should you? How exactly was I ruining it for everyone?

Mean people suck.

ccw said...

BIL's mother has alzheimer's. She took her ccar this morning and hasn't been seen since.

Kate - I once heard a nasty woman say to her small daughter (for the benefit of another adult) that one does not pull down the top of the ear because it dries the ear out. According to her you just need to squeeze the ear to feel if it is plump.

KLee said...

Late breaking whine -- I have a friend whose ex-husband works for the city. She called to tell me that HE said my house is down on the city's list to inspect (complete with a visit from the city marshal) because of the state of the roof.

I have no money to fix up this house. I have no deed to the house even if I had the money to fix it up. I have no freaking idea what to do now. And, apparently, I have a marshal coming as well.

Liz Miller said...

Holy cow, the late breaking whines are heart breaking whines.

CCW, I hope your BIL's mom is okay. KLee, I hope that it's just a false alarm. My thoughts are with you both.

Unknown said...

I'm so wiped I forgot to include today's spectacular whine. You won't believe this one. I'm pulling into a handicap parking space at my doctor's office. It's a BIG building affiliated with a local hospital, and there are guards and parking lot attendants so nobody would ever dare park in a handicap space if they weren't. I have my placard on display. My daughter and I get out of my car. We see a skinny bleach blond smoking right outside the door, which is NOT allowed, obviously. As I get upright and start to walk, she walks right up to me and says "You don't look very handicapped". I swear to God, she said that. My daughter's mouth just dropped because she knows I'm not very nice when challenged.

I said to the bitch "what business is if of yours what my handicap is you fireplacing c**t?"

All the way up the elevator I was seething mad. I mean, can you imagine what gall to challenge someone with a valid handicap placard WITH my picture and name and the expiration date showing (which, in my state, is not the norm. Most people cover their photo, name, and expiration date because they're cheating cretins that don't want the police to stop them from lending their placard to other family members, etc.).

OK, I'm STILL seething. I admit it.

Dr. Peters said...

Anti-whine: My mom has come to help with the kids while I pack up and move.

Whine: She feels entitled to criticize my parenting constantly.

Another whine: My baby suddenly won't nurse and I don't know why.

Sue said...

Hugs to all the late-entry pixies. It's before midnight here, so I'm going to post another one.

I'm feeling really helpless and fearful for a good friend. She is recently divorced and her slime-ball of an ex-husband is stalking her.

He followed her about 2000km to another city and she has no idea how he found out she would be there. He ended up at a public event in the same section of seats as her and her son. How did he do that?

She also spotted him on the highway as they drove home. She's so afraid but can't go to the police b/c he has close connections to local police and is sure they would tip him off.

I believe he's capable of doing her serious harm. I believe his behaviour has escalated to the point where he could kill her.

I feel so fireplacing helpless. I'm afraid that anything I might do to try and help her might put her in more danger.

I guess this is less of a whine and more of a plea for advice. Sorry pixies, I know this isn't exactly old skool, but I'll gladly listen to any suggestions.

Liz Miller said...

Sue: tell her to call 1-800-799-SAFE. They will be able to give her advice. Also

Andy said...

I have a date Thursday night after work. My immune system has responded by triggering an immediate allergic reaction that keeps me sneezing constantly and raises my repulsivity to unheard of new levels in an attempt to save future generations from having to deal with possible Andy offspring.

This reaction has happened several times before, so I'm convinced it's not a fluke at all.

debangel said...

Whine: We unexpectedly had to put our 9 year-old Welsh Corgi, Marty, to sleep last night. I won't go into details but it involved a mysterious wound hidden under his fur , evidence of spinal injury, and MAGGOTS. The general consensus is that there was something going on internally like a cancer and that when the wound opened up...well, never mind. We were gone for a week and friends were watching him but not home with like I am, so I have no real idea what happened. He was an incredible dog and I'll always miss him.

Also, yesterday was my DD Sephie's 2nd birthday.

Antiwhine #1: She is to young to know why her party was postponed, so was completely overjoyed to get presents and cake this evening.

Antiwhine #2: My baby is 2 years old! ::sniff:: And knows all her letters. Her favorite is "bubbooboo" ("W")

Antiwhine #3: An excerpt from my blog is being printed in the San Diego Reader next Thursday, according to my very! first! paycheck for writing something! It'll be at as well. Woohoo!

PK, I am also worried about your unbloggables. You're at the top of my prayer list tonight.

Tiruncula, if I give you a dollar, will you promise to at least think about changing it into pennies and administering it to Gramma Scrooge in suppository form? I had stingy g'parents, too. Guess that's how the rich get and stay that way! Maybe by next Thursday you'll have the answer to that as well!

Happy Wednesday everybody...anyone want some leftover ganache frosting?

purple_kangaroo said...

Oh, wow, some heartbreaking whines tonight. I can't choose one to vote for . . . I'm just sitting here cringing and worrying and praying for you all.

My unbloggables aren't incredibly serious, just worrisome/guilt-inducing/depressing. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers--I really appreciate them.

A whine/antiwhine: We were at a waterfall probably at least an hour from the nearest hospital tonight, when my BIL handed Baby E a CORN CHIP!

Thankfully I was able to grab her hand before the chip got more than halfway to her mouth.

I really, really didn't want to trial corn chips an hour or more from the nearest hospital with only two epi-pens (which may last 15-20 minutes each) and some compounded Benadryl to use on any reaction.

Especially when Baby E demonstrated this week that she's still reacting to technically-non-corn-containing highly refined corn derivatives like Vitamin C.

Oh, and also but separately--the fructose intolerance theory isn't making sense at the moment. She can tolerate things she shouldn't be able to tolerate, and can't tolerate things she should be able to tolerate (given the things she can't tolerate).

All of which makes me want to scream at the universe to just tell me the answer already, because I'm tired of trying to figure out the riddle of exactly what and why is causing these symptoms.

How's that for convoluted and annoying?

ccw said...

BIL's mother was found late last night about 100 miles away. I assume that they will now take her car away.

For whatever reason she was still driving to church and the beauty parlor??

purple_kangaroo said...

CCW, I'm so glad they found her. I hope they do take her keys . . . that's not safe!