
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Days of Whine and Cheese

Welcome to yet another edition of Wednesday Whining; another chance to let our collective hair down and get off our chests those things that are bothering us.

My whine this week: I am a confirmed flatlander. We had a great weekend vacation to the Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina, where I began gasping for air like a landed salmon after attempting to walk back up to the house after visiting the gardens. The change in elevation, she is not my friend. I will talk badly about her behind her back from now on.

I also went off my diet, but that's an anti-whine, and probably better for the world since I am not such a bitchy wretch when I have chocolate in me.

How about you pixies? Anyone care to loll on the verandah with me, drink cocktails, and pretend that we're as rich as the Vanderbilts? Hey -- we can dream, can't we?


Phantom Scribbler said...

I'll join you, especially if I can leave my kids behind.

Whine: I'm about to go on vacation with my kids. I think I need to take a vacation from my kids.

Anti-whine: the forecast? Highs in the 70s.

KLee said...

I'll gladly take your kids. Want to trade? One boy-discovering, internet-hogging, snarky prepubescent (but barely used!) eleven year old for the both of yours! It's a two-for-one deal! Going fast! Act now!

OneTiredEma said...

My earworm, thanks to 2 minutes of Z100 this morning, is "Jenny From the Block."

Unlike the lyrics to old Madonna songs, which do take up residence in my head from time to time, I know only one line of this stupid song.



Anonymous said...

Um, KLee, what do you mean "barely used"? What exactly do the tween (girl) years hold for me?!

PS, You get my "summertime blues" vote. I'm feelin' your pain. I just returned from vacation with my husband and child and now I also need a vacation from them.

Kate - You mean there's more than one line to that song?

Anonymous said...


"Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got, I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block, I used to have a little but now I have a lot, but anywhere I go I know where I came from" courtesy of my 13 year old daughter.

By the way, she says "that wasn't a good song when it was popular even."

But I wanted you to have more than one line to sing.

Whine: I got my hair cut like Nicole Richie's and my ass is still big.

Anti-whine: My hair looks good. I can't believe I took a picture of Nicole Richie to the hairdresser. What's next? Getting a purse dog and a big pair of sunglasses?

S. said...

Whine of topography: Our house is set into a hill. That hill keeps going, well, really a long way above us. Water runs downhill and hangs out by our foundation. Our basement, she is moldy. Turning on the a/c distributes mold throughout the house. My spouse, she is allergic. Me, I am sweatier than you really have any true need to know about.

(We set up a dehumidifier, but we are so disheartened by what happened to A.'s respiratory system earlier in the summer that we aren't real willing to try turning on the a/c again.)

Whine of small business ownership: I am the boss. So the teenager who is making my manager feel like she has knitting needles in her eyes? I get to tell him he doesn't have a job anymore. I know it's his job, not mine, and he doesn't really want it anyway or he wouldn't be playing games with his friends during his shift. But I still think I can only do it if I promise myself ice cream for afterwards.

Anti-whine of feeling hopeful about evading complete financial ruin: I met with a bookkeeper I liked this morning, and A. has pulled and prodded and poked and pushed me so that I will be able to file my taxes before the August 15 extension date. (But I'm not telling you which year they're for.)

And oh, everyone, just ... I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your fingers crossed for me on Thursday afternoon that the doctor doesn't tell me I need eye surgery. Thanks. --Sheila

purple_kangaroo said...

We're sick with what at first seemed to be just a bad cold. Now DH and I both seem to have the flu, complete with all-over body aches, headaches, fevers, coughs & sneezing, stuffy heads, runny noses and severe fatigue. We can hardly drag ourselves around.

The kids, on the other hand, are barely sick (M&M not at all) and full of energy. Baby E is wanting to play and nurse and climb on me a lot, which is very draining.

It's too bad DH and I had to both get sick at once, but at least we can sort of spell each other. Right now we're hoping to get the kids to bed ASAP so we can go to bed too.

I'm theoretically glad the kids aren't very sick. But some horrible selfish part of me wishes they wanted to do nothing more than sit around and rest, like DH and I do.

On another note, we've determined that Baby E does NOT have lactose intolerance as the GI specialist diagnosed. But the GI specialist's office isn't returning our calls trying to get help figuring out for sure whether, as we think, we're actually dealing with a FRUCTOSE intolerance.

Which, surprisingly, affects more foods than just fruits--such as artichokes and wheat, for example. And which isn't something one grows out of. But at least, if it's the type we think it is, it can be managed by just being careful what she eats and doesn't involve complete avoidance of all traces of foods high in fructose.

Antiwhine: we've been able to add oats and dairy products, are going to be trialing all the foods she previously tested allergic to (and recently tested negative to again), and the allergist is going to do an in-office food challenge for corn. It sounds like he has a great clinical approach to challenges and I feel comfortable with that.

Meanwhile, can anyone take an energetic 2-year-old who is constantly climbing on me, pinching my elbows, jumping/sitting on me, and wanting to nurse with a snotty nose? Along with a 5-year-old and a 6-year-old who are completely wired and in no mood to go to sleep?

purple_kangaroo said...

Oh, BTW, Baby E turned 2 this week. Two.

Rev Dr Mom said...

Anti-whine: VACATION!

Whine: I'm worried about LD#1 (known to some of you as Woman Warrior). She's having a really hard time right now, and it seems like there isn't a fireplacing thing I can do to help. Especially seeing as how she's thousands of miles away--like on the other side of the planet. Damn.

Anonymous said...

It is a week for little whines for me--that is an anti-whine in an of itself.

Whine: I am painting every hour I have alone this summer. Instead of using the precious kid-free time for me, I am painting.

Whine: my kids are not sure they like camp. They cry about going, but the counselors report are that they are generally happy while there. I wish I had the desire/energy/patience to just keep them home with me. Too late now, camp is paid for.

I will not explore if the cost of camp equals the cost of painters.

Antiwhine: my parents sold their house last week--closing actually happened. The deal seemed so close to falling apart again, it is surreal it is done.

Unknown said...

WHINE: Barry freaking cheater Bonds. Hate him. Hate that he has set such a bad example for kids by using steriods and HGH and lying about it. Hate that he broke a world record because he's a cheater. Hate him.

Whine: My son has had a week that could probably put most mothers 6 feet under. Screaming, cursing, arguing incessently, punching walls (big hole), etc. He is SO angry and I don't know why.

Antiwhine: Had a quiet talk with him when I was about to completely lose it, and I lowered my voice to a whisper while telling him that I know he's angry but he can't keep using me as a punching bag, etc. He listened. He changed his tune. He's back to nice boy...for a while anyhow.

Whine: one of those hateful blog sites like Violent Acres and Trainwrecks has been sifting through my archives and attacking the very air I breathe. It is very unpleasant, and as usual, it's people upset that I "claim" I'm disabled. What IS IT with people who are so against the disabled? Why? What did handicapped people ever do to make people so angry?

Whine: My blogging job seems to be drying up. They didn't pay me for July. I am not posting a thing until I get paid. We seem to be at a stalemate.

Antiwhine: I've been searching through freelance writing sites and applying for jobs. No real opportunities out there yet, but it will happen. I'll find something soon. And they will pay me.

HUGE antiwhine: My daughter's appt at Children's today was excellent. She was finally dismissed from her specialist after 2 years of constant treatment for a brain tumor that affected her pituitary gland. Tumor gone, hormones back to 'normal' with some medical intervention, and no more doctor visits. We're FREE!

Whine: It has been so hot I've got prickly heat all over my body. If it weren't for Sarna I would be peeling my skin off in chunks.

Whine: Freaking Worthless Pet got scared while I was petting him today and scratched my foot to shreds. 3 huge gashes. That cat is just too annoying for words.

Whine: Missed the Britney photos in whatever magazine they were in. Looked thru all the gossip rags to find the photos, but they must have been last week's issues. Damn. I like me some trashy writeups.

Phantom, I'll trade you kids for a few days. You can have my lovely and very nice daughter, but she comes with my son. Lovely would not be a word I would use to describe him.

Have a great week, pixies.

Leslie M-B said...

Whine: Walked into a door. Nose went CRAAAACK! Broken but not too badly bruised. Still, ouch.

Antiwhine: Normally it's like 110 degrees here this time of year. We've been having highs of 84 degrees. I'm beginning to like this whole climate change phenomenon...

purple_kangaroo said...

Why, oh why, do I do things like make yogurt right before I want to go to bed? I forgot about the "cooling to the right temperature before adding the culture" part. Ugh.

Jenevieve said...

Trillwing, you broke your nose by walking into a door?!?!? That gets my vote for the "Sounds Like Something I'd Do" Award.

S., fingers are crossed!

Phantom, I'll take your kids. I can't guarantee their well being, but they'll really love mashed potatoes by the time their visit is over.

Whine: Resit exam in 1 week! Blech. Stupid animal husbandry eating my summer.

Bigger whine: Matt and I budget out an amount of money every month for "fun money" (like an allowance for each of us). It is not a lot, but it usually gets us a few coffees, or time out with friends, or etc. for each month. This month we are both almost out of money and it's the 8th. Boo for my birthday coinciding with about 20 others. Also, it's our anniversary this month, but neither of us have enough to plan a meal or anything. I hate being on such a strict budget. Who wants to eat noodles and butter for their anniversary dinner?

Anti-whine: When we were back in the States this summer, we went to a wedding with most of our college friends in attendance. They had planned us a surprise baby shower (yay), but we couldn't go to it because we had made unbreakable plans (boo). However, they just threw us the shower in absentia and hand painted 15 onesies of various sizes. The package got here today, and they are so hilarious! I love my friends.

Anti-whine: I baked myself an Anti-Terrorist chocolate cake with caramel glaze for my birthday. It was (and still is) delicious. Anyone want a slice?

swissmiss said...

I write for an English language magazine that comes out four times a year. The deadlines never change - first week of February, first week of May, first week of August, first week of November. My article is due today and it's not like I haven't known about this for three months. So why am I rushing to finish it today. Why? Why? (I do this every time, btw).

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure if this is a whine or an antiwhine—it’s both all wrapped up into one & maybe posting it will help me sort out how I feel.

I got home from work last night & Dancing Girl sat Bert & I down, saying she had important news. FirstBorn had called before we got home from work wanting to talk to us. Since her phone signal was almost gone, she asked DG to pass on an important message.

FB. just. got. married.

She’s been with her husband (still not used to that word!) for several years now. He’s very quiet and reserved, so I feel like I barely know him, but what I know, I like. He’s smart and caring and he makes my daughter happy. What’s not to like? They’re 26 & 30, so plenty old enough to know what they’re doing

But married. Damn. I’ve known for 12 hours & I’m still wrapping my head around this. Happy that they’re happy. Sad I wasn’t there. Grieved that the faith that sustains Bert and I isn’t relevant to them & so had no place in registering their commitment. Admiring that she has the spunk and self-knowledge to arrange things in the way that is right for them. Proud that we raised her that way. See what I mean—WAY too many emotions.

Right now they’re up at my MIL’s cottage in the state Phantom is visiting. I have til the 20th when they return to their home to figure out a wedding gift for my daughter and new son-in-law. What do you give your daughter the graduate student when she elopes? Help me out, pixies, and pass the champagne.


Gary said...

Day camp is over. Day care is over. Start of school - 2.5 weeks away. Wife working 60 hour weeks. Boys' favorite activity - whacking each other with lightsabers. Boys' second favorite activity - arguing about who gets which lightsaber. Boys' third favorite activity - whining about getting whacked with lightsaber.

So I'm not talking trade. Anyone who wants 2 boys, ages almost 6 and 4.5, with almost no impulse control and very little wear and tear on the ears and the judgement centers of the brain can have them. For free. I'll even throw in the lightsabers.

a/k/a Nadine said...

Whine: The humidity. I am a little tired of the "air you can wear" as the radio pronounced this am.

Whine: My job. I got b*tched out by someone in another office yesterday for something I did by our procedures but not theirs. Plus, I am bored and frustrated with the irrelevancy of it all.

Whine: My parents are bringing over all of my crap that's been reesiding at their house tonight. I have no where to put it, so I will be stacking boxes in the livingroom apparently. Thanks, folks, couldn't wait until my construction was finished, could ya?

a/k/a Nadine said...

And Lisa V- thanks for the giggle. Definitely get the purse dog and big sunglasses! You have to complete the look...

kathy a. said...

oh, i'm voting for the line "purse dog." it goes so well with lolling on the veranda, don't you think?

ice cream for shiela. hugs for rev. dr. mom and LD#1, margalit, PK. valium for dr. corndog, and a vote for his classic parenting whine.

a toast to NUD. wow.

antiwhine: the hearing from hell finally finished! passing the refreshing beverages and some nice appetizers, tossing the confetti; please join me in the happy dance.

Kristen said...

whine: we don't have any vacations planned this summer. So I'm jealous of all of you with vacations. Yes, I realize that when you have young children, it's not so much a vacation as a "change of scenery" But still.

My company re-organized this summer. I made it through, but we just couldn't plan anything with so much being up in the air. So, no vacations here.

antiwhine: We are headed home to DC in late September, so there is that to look forward to.

Anonymous - I'm passing the champagne to you. It must be so hard not to have been at your first born's wedding. Although, that's better than the other extreme, perhaps? A "bridezilla" who wants a $100K wedding and chocolate fountains and ice sculptures and 12 bridesmaids? maybe? OK, maybe not.

Anonymous said...

NUD- wow that is hard. My brother eloped 10 years ago and I'm not sure my mom is over it yet. But I'm with k, sometimes that's better than the super-expensive, crazy over-the-top weddings that happen all the time. Having had a wedding more or less recently (approaching 1st anniversary) that was decidedly low key, it was still stressful, I think especially for my mom, since the wedding was also uber-non-traditional. And that was a bit hard for her. But she knew- as you know too- that she raised me to be this independent person, who doesn't do things a certain way just because of tradition. And that's A LOT. But I'm sure it's still hard to not be at your daughter's wedding.

As for a gift-- are they both grad students? And so likely to have little money? I'm thinking back to when I was a grad student & had no money. One of my friends had gotten a kitchen aid mixer for her wedding and I was SO envious (I looked around and thought, who can I stand to marry to get one of these?). I wanted one so bad and it was way way beyond the outermost reaches of my budget. So I'd go for something like that- expensive, something they wouldn't be able to buy for themselves, but that is useful or practical or fun to use. My favorite wedding present? A canoe that a bunch of friends went in on.

Anonymous said...

Now, onto my whine.

This may be TMI, sorry if so.

The sqvirrel (my husband) and I are trying to get pregnant. Spectacularly failing at such. My menstrual cycle is widely variable such that I haven't been able to predict my ovulation days reliably. So, after several months of this I decided we should buy those handy-dandy ovulation kits that show LH surge. I got a seven day one. And not on a single day did I have an LH surge! And the last day we were on vacation on an island with no drug store to buy more. I was so agitated! What do I not make LH? I now bought the 20 day version, but sheesh. Why exactly was I on birth control for years??? I mean, all this time, I thought, oh my gosh, I missed a pill, I'll surely get pregnant if we have unprotected sex.

So, pixies, please keep fingers crossed that this 20 day test will show an LH surge SOMEtime, ANYtime during my next cycle! :)

S. said...

Turtlebella, are you tracking fertility signs beyond just the calendar? I recommend Your Fertility Signals, Merryl Winstein. Also, even if you don't care about sex selection, How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby, by Landrum Shettles, is excellent on tracking ovulation b/c the method he recommends depends on knowing when you're ovulating.

Check LH twice/day, too! You can miss a surge otherwise.

kathy a. said...

NUD, maybe they eloped to escape the whole problem and cost of planning a big fat wedding and wanting to make everyone happy, but they'd still like some kind of more casual celebration? can't hurt to ask if they'd like some help doing that.

turtlebella's idea of finding something they pine for but can't afford is excellent.

i got married at 26, too. we were both gainfully employed, and it was important to me to do it ourselves, so we had something small and non-traditional, did not expect my parents to pay. my dad always gave newlyweds the most useful item he had found on earth, a stainless steel bucket ["you can ice champagne in it! great for when the kids are sick! everyone needs one!"] -- i got an extra-large, because i'm special. and he had a friend who engraved glass, so we got personalized champagne glasses [with the date, so my husband could remember, dad said]. whatever comes from your heart will be special, is what i'm saying.

Ancarett said...

Whine the first: I have a nasty, nasty summer cold. Sore throat, achy eyes, lethargy. Ugh.

Whine the second: Everyone but youngest has been feeling under the weather in one way or the other so there's no one to pamper me.

Whine the third: Here I am at work, struggling with a stupid university website content management system that doesn't work and snarky, unhelpful tech support. The combination has reduced me to handcoding the HTML and grumbling even more loudly about the good old days when I coded my own department pages the way I liked!

Whine the fourth: You will note that whine the third is all about unpaid work that everyone assumes is easy-peasy because the university has this content management system so isn't it just all point and click?

Elizabeth said...

Business trip to Boston at the start of the week. Got to Logan last night just in time to see the fog settling in. Put my name on standby for the earlier flight. Watched as every other flight was canceled but they kept on delaying ours and saying that the airplane would be leaving from Toronto any minute now. 3 1/2 hours later, gave up, went to train station, took overnight train back to DC. Have stiff neck and am zonked today.

Camera Obscura said...

The fireplacin' dryer is refusing to run for more than 5 minutes at a time, then it shuts off like it has overheated. How the fireplace do I burn out a dryer every three or four years? I wash the lint trap, even.

And I'm peeling. Two weeks after my last day in Hawaii. WTF?

Dr. Peters said...

My first whine--I've read before but never participated. So here goes:
I'm trying to buy my first house and it's not completed yet. We were supposed to be in it weeks ago. Now we have to move out of our rent house and into a condo for who knows how long and then move again when the house is done. Not easy with two tiny children. And it has taken so long that I have had to start the whole mortgage process over again because our loan approval has expired. So now I resent my new house and I don't even own it yet. Wah.

Uccellina said...


You probably already know about Fertility Friend, but if you don't, I recommend it. It eventually took something more high tech to knock me up, but that online charting sure was helpful in the meantime.

I have an antiwhine with a slight whine mixed in: Twins. Ye gods and little fishes, twins. While Husband is unabashedly overjoyed and I'm pretty thrilled myself, I'm also fairly terrified. But I'm still very, very happy.

Second antiwhine: morning sickness. Whee! Y'all fertile myrtles might think I'm nuts, but I'm just so happy to have any pregnancy symptoms.

Excuse me. Must go puke now.

Gary said...

Anyone care to loll on the verandah with me, drink cocktails, and pretend that we're as rich as the Vanderbilts?

KLee - does sitting on the front porch with a Dos Equis, warily eyeing the crabgrass reach Amazon Basin density and height, count? I suspect that by the time I try to mow it next week, 2 things may happen. The lawnmower will refuse to start in protest, leading me to consider napalming the weeds. Alternatively, the crabgrass may accept the lawnmower as a sacrifice, and turn it into a deadly, blade-wielding robot that threatens to disembowel anyone who approaches the lawn with a cutting implement. In short, the crabgrass in the front yard and I have a Harry Potter/Voldemort kind of relationship: neither can live while the other survives. I just hope I'm Harry Potter in this case, 'cause I know how it ends.

Yankee T said...

Whiney Ode To The Teenage Boy Who Was Found In My House While They Thought I Was At Work. And a hat-tip to my neighbor who ratted them out:

Dear boy, you do not belong
She let you in, that was just wrong
She has no impulse control, you see
Which is why she must now answer to me.

It's not your fault you want to get laid
But it ain't gonna happen so I must raid
My own house in the midst of the day
Forgoing my lunch hour, by the way

You said I seem bitchy, I fear it's true
But my 15-year old you cannot screw
So move along and let her blubber,
And here, dear, you almost forgot your rubber!
Yankee T

Gary said...

Yankee T, you should not only win a Whining Nobel, but I think you won the Internet for the day, if not the year. I can't even imagine how tough it is to be going through that. That you're able to make us laugh in the midst of that is downright amazing. Thanks.

kathy a. said...

i am breathless in admiration of YT's whine -- style, substance, her sublime coolness of parenting under pressure. and the little toad's defense was that you're bitchy? HAAAhaahaha[gasp]heee!

another vote for dr. corndog, this time for an epic crabgrass saga, with literary references.

Jenevieve said...

YT, can you parent my kids, too? 'Cause I just don't think I'll ever be able to top that. Dr. Dog is right- you won the internet!

Anonymous said...

I'll just leave a pregnancy themed comment all around...

a vote for turtlebella, because figuring out that your body doesn't do what it's "supposed" to do when it's "supposed" to do it is supremely frustrating. Buena suerte.

And, holy cow, twins, Uccellina! Congratulations on the positive test, by the way, and double congrats on the twins. Yipee. And eek.

Now my whine: how long does this stage last, in which I am too big for my normal clothes but look like an imposter in maternity clothes? I suppose I could just eat lots of ice cream...maybe this is an antiwhine.

Anonymous said...

Oh miss Yankee. Sighs and beer for both you and the Attorney. Parenting ain't for amatuers, that's for damn sure.

OneTiredEma said...

Upon picking up Miss M at camp today, it was reported that she had gotten hysterical at several points during the day, crying so hard she couldn't be understood. (One time she had wanted water-- probably my fault because I told her it was going to be a hot day and to drink a lot; one time a boy had bumped into her head, or so she says.) From the counselor I got, "Does she cry at home when she doesn't get what she wants?"

Well, sure. She's three and too young to figure out how to stage a coup d'etat, so crying has to fill in.

But why do I now feel like the Bad Parent du Jour?

I thought maybe the crying was due to her first real stretch of days without a nap, but apparently she's been sleeping for 30-40 minutes at camp. So I'm stumped. She definitely has An Inability To Roll With The Punches, but I figured that was age appropriate for newly 3?

Yankee T said...

onetiredema-three year olds suck. Excuse me, but they just do. At least mine did. Give me a two year old any day of the week, but keep your freakin' three year olds til they're four.
Now, 15 year olds? They suck even worse.
Has the camp never experienced a three year old before?

KLee said...

Dr. Corndog -- I totally hear you on the napalm situation. I'd probably set the whole neighborhood on fire though. I say I pretend I live in Las Vegas (since we're rivaling them in the heatwave area lately...) and just fill my yard in with rocks and cacti. Or just pave the whole damn thing. Whatever that would keep my husband from combusting whenever he has to mow. And apparently, I *can't* do the mowing because it's a "man thing" and I'm too delicate a flower for such strenuous labor. Harumph. I love my husband dearly for the thought, but I could probably bench-press his porpoise-y ass.

Yankee -- yet another reason that you kill me. I am SO glad you caught them! (Does it make me a bad person that I did the happy dance that the horrible, eevil adults won that round? If so, I can deal with that guilt.)

Amy -- I was stating that Offspring was "barely used" as a sale tactic. Don't frighten my gullible *utterly lovely* and totally savvy firend Phantom Scribbler away! (If this deal falls through because of your loose lips, look for a large package from me within a few days. Mwhahaha!)

Uccellina -- Wow! Boy, when you get pregnant, you do it right, girl! Congrats! I know what you mean about being so happy to be pregnant that even puking up your internal organs is kinda fun, in an odd way. Way to rock the hormones!

Phantom Scribbler said...

Yankee, I love you. That verse was the understated whining achievement of the year.

Uccellina!!! Twins!!!! Oh my god!!!1

Anti-whine: miniature golf. That's where my husband and kids are. With any luck, they'll insist on playing it -- without me -- all night. Life, it is good!

OneTiredEma said...


That's the oddest part--she is in a group with nine other 3 year olds. (This is her first week, but it's the 6th week of camp--so perhaps her "bunkmates" are less mysterious to the Power that Be?)

I am looking forward to five. Five year olds are supremely funny and have often (mostly) outgrown the phase of thrice-daily tantrums. *Please nobody break the illusion.*

15, though, is the pits from both sides, apparently. Luckily you still have your sense of humor! And your poetic wit.

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading HP book 6 at 1:30 this morning and I'm still waiting on book 7 to show up!
Now I know how it ends, too.

Fireplacing blogs. I knew I should avoid the internet in its entirety until I'd read the dang thing.

My deepest apologies. I'll start making space in the living room for the air mattress. Also? Could you call me/email me with the delivery date so I can make sure there's someone here to sign for her? ;)

Scrivener said...

Holy cow, about a thousand votes for YT's whine!

Scrivener said...

Let's see, at 7:30 in the evening it is 104 degrees outside according to my outdoor thermometer. And our air conditioning is kaput. This happened last summer too, and it ended up being a relatively cheap repair because it was just some varmit had chewed through one of the wires to the outside unit. What are the chances we'll get off so easy twice in a row? Tune in Friday because the repair tech will be here "sometime Friday" to check it.

Wife says she has to work late tonight so I'm on my own with the kiddos, but I suspect that she simply wants more time in the air conditioning at the office.

I also went to the dentist today to have a crown fixed. When I went in for my last cleaning, they discovered that the crown they put in a while back wasn't quite shaped correctly and needs replacing. So they put in a temporary crown and told me to come back today. After spending an hour there today, they discovered that the new crown is not shaped correctly either so I got another temporary and will come back again in a few weeks.

Anonymous said...

YT, my hat's off to you! You're handling a distinctly un-fun part of parenthood with grace & style. FB, my newly married daughter, never pulled that particular stunt, but she tried enough similar escapades to truly empathize.

Thanks to all who have sent congratulations and/or commiserations. Love the gift suggestions--keep 'em coming.

To answer some of the questions/comments--from what FB said when I finally got her on the phone, Kathy nailed their motives pretty well. My new son-in-law (must think of a pseud for him) is the poster child for introversion, but he's also an only child. Neither he nor FB wanted a big wedding ceremony (FB is the antithesis of Bridezilla) and they figured this was the only way to avoid the hoopla. They do, however, want to throw a party/reception over Christmas break, so everyone who is congratulating Bert about the $$ we saved will probably have to eat their words.

Maybe I can sell rights to this story to raise money for the amazing reception of their choice?

BTW, Phantom, I'm bright green with envy about that 70-degree forecast. It's supposed to be in the low 100s here for the rest of the week, before cooling off to only the low 90s.


BroccoliEater said...

Whine: I put off going to the dentist for a little over two years, somehow. Until today. When I called to make the appointment, the hygenist said "ooh, yeah. I'd better book you an extra long appointment!"

In the list of "Things I enjoy doing," having cement scraped off my teeth by tiny long-handled scimitars ranks *below* unmedicated childbirth. Just sayin'.

Antiwhine: It was not as bad as I expected it to be.

Whine: I decided to walk to work from the dentist. I've been walking the 2.5-ish miles from home most mornings and really likeing it. But I didn't bring my walking shoes. Halfway to work, a tiny bit of something managed to embed itself in the ball of my left foot and work up a quarter-sized blister.

You'd thing the whole unmedicated childbirth-enjoying thing would mean a simple blister was No Big Deal. But no, it HUUUUURTS.

Liz Miller said...



Whine the first: Grandpa died.

interstatial non-whine: so I decided to travel to NYC to help out my mom & grandma during shiva.

Whine the second: Plane to NYC was delayed for 4 hours.

interstatial non-whine: Mom and Grandma were really happy I was hear and I was a Really Useful Granddaughter.

Whine the third: Flight back home today was...shall we say delayed until tomorrow? It's much nicer than saying cancelled, don't you think?

interstatial non-whine: I get to spend more time with my mom.

Whine the fourth: I really miss MM and he really misses me. I can't wait to see his sweet face.

Sue said...

Votes for YT and Liz.

Uccellina!!! congrats!

Whine: I'm on holidays and the chair of our church Board phoned me at home to ask if I would bury his mother who is going to die in a day or so. What was I going to say???!!! Talk about putting me on the spot. I'm really upset about it. It's not my fault that I can't vacation out of town - my husband doesn't travel all that well (he has MS) and we can't afford it. So I vacation at home, but only until someone thinks their needs are more important than the fireplacing vacation I worked all fireplacing year to earn!


Whine/Anti-whine: I got a new tattoo last week. It looks amazing (I think. It's on my back, so I can't see it close up, only in the mirror. Hubby says it is great.) but is Soooooo itchy today. It is healing up nicely and all is well, the itching on day 7 is to be expected, but still...argh.

Andy said...

I have nothing but anti-whines today. First, we set a record today for heat. Living through a really hot day sucks. Living through a historically hot day is cool. It's also fun when you emerge from a pizza buffet and say, "Wow, it's really cooled off. It feels great out here now," only to have the radio guy tell you that it's 87 degrees.

Second, while driving around wasting gasoline just so I can get out of my smoldering apartment, I went to Dollar Tree, and lo and behold, an entire case of Rip It! Energy Drinks greeted me.

Man, I might not have whines for weeks now.

Rev Dr Mom said...

YT, you deserve a life-time whining achievement award for that one--not to mention "mother of the year" for your aplomb.

And Uccellina--woo-hoo! Congratulations on twins.

Anonymous said...

thanks all for the encouragement and the advice! I SO will take it. I'm among the first of my friends to try & get pregnant (go figure, we're all WELL into our 30s!) and all the people I know who have had kids got pregnant 'accidentally' so advice is thin on the ground. So thanks.

And Uccellina!!!! Twins! WOW and Congrats!

YT, your whine makes me think twice about these kid having thing! But if I can have your sense of humor and - as drrevmom says - ablomb, then I'll be good, I think.

Anonymous said...

heehee ablomb, like a combination of a blonde and a bomb...I meant aplomb of course...

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Uccellina!

And wow, hats off to YT. What a day. I had a vaguely disturbing dream, about high school last night--I won't claim to exactly relate, but it put me in the right mindset.

To the other Sarah--the house buying thing is a pain. And buyers remorse on the most expensive thing you own is so frustrating--been there.

And gifts for NUD's elopers--besides putting on the reception for them, really nice new sheets? It seems both practical and accepting.

Yankee T said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

1. three year olds suck. Excuse me, but they just do. At least mine did. Give me a two year old any day of the week, but keep your freakin' three year olds til they're four

Thank freaking God. SO glad to hear that, YT. Counting down the days till he's 4...

2. And excuse me, but how is it THURSDAY? I honestly thought I'd be one of the first people posting because I thought it was midnight on Wednesday a.m. But somehow I've missed a day and it's actually Thursday. I hate time-skips.

Andy said...

Spoke too soon. Apparently Civ 4: Beyond the Sword has completely wrecked my computer's ability to play games, because since I installed it every single one of my games has stopped working, and I think my attempts to fix the problem have complicated it instead.

Awake all night with no video games to entertain me? I guess it's time for me to get a relationship.