
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hey, boys and mostly girls ...'s time to whine!

Whine: the rain. Grey, cold, and dragging on for days. It's summer still, so it's not actually sucking the happiness out of my chest the way it will a few more months down the road, but it's making me a little more wistful than August usually finds me. And I miss the pool! Which is closing soon!

Danged hurricane season.

Antiwhine: I am smack in the middle of the Eastern seaboard, an hour's drive from the shore, let alone anywhere near the Gulf, let alone in the Caribbean, so that sure makes my whine look whiiiiny, doesn't it?

Further whine: next week, school starts so I will need to be getting up at 6 instead of more or less whenever I feel like it. Which means I need to stop going to bed more or less whenever I feel like it.

Further antiwhine: There's reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last.*

And one last antiwhine: my girl is going to be in a new room at daycare, one where the policy is to support potty training instead of to thwart it. She had her first dry-from-waking-up-to-going-to-sleep day this week! There was cheering and clapping and a present to unwrap! I gotta say, the bare tushy approach is a marvelous thing.

And now the floor is yours.

Remember--no anonymice. If you don't want to sign your post, make up a fancy new pseudonym so we don't feel obliged to take it down.


*(points to the first pixie to catch the reference)


Elizabeth said...

Whine: my sweetie has been away since last Tuesday. Because the people he was driving with didn't manage to get moving in a timely fashion, he didn't get home today until after I had to leave for work. (My father in law was here to stay with the boys.) By the time I got home, he was asleep (having spent all of last night driving). I miss him.

Anonymous said...

Long December by the Counting Crows!

I rule!

I could not pass organic chemistry but I could kick your ass at the inspid shows where you have to name song lyrics or pop culture minutae.

S. said...

Teh points for Lisa V!

(That is the third time I've used "teh" in my whole entire life.)

Sue said...

Wow. Lisa V. - you definitely rule!

Whine: I miss my son. I couldn't afford to fly out west to see him this summer and I haven't seen him since January. He is 23 years old and is happy, has a job, good friends and it's all good.... but I miss my boy.

And he will always be my boy.

kathy a. said...

adult son for rent. prime condition, more or less. i'm pretty sure he'll behave well if you give him food. is it so bad for a mother to worry about plans to move from one major crime zone to a fireplacing warehouse in another freaking crime zone? huh? working on my breathing and blood pressure at the moment.

there's an antiwhine around here someplace. while i look, chocolate mint chip ice cream for all, the cure for everything!

Sue said...

Please do pass the ice cream Kathy a. - it sounds perfect.

Anonymous said...

My dog seems close to dying. Well, she is my mentor's dog -- I have merely been a surrogate parent for the last 6 years. But I am caring for her for the next two weeks, and it's hard to see her struggling, and equally hard to watch her enthusiasm.

On a rather different topic, my Splendid English Lover is now two plane rides away instead of two tube rides away. Bah.

Early votes for Kathy A.

Anonymous said...



OK, that's not whining. That's more freaking. I'll commence whining:

We had lice. Now I think we have lice. But we can't be sure. You know why? Because lice are hard to find.

Also, I've recently lost my desire to live. I still have my will to live, though, unfortunately

Anonymous said...

Whoever it is who has the lice, I would rather give birth than deal with headlice again. We had it twice in 3 weeks. When we found the second round I called a friend who had had lice before, and while talking to her on my cell phone, openly sobbed in Walgreens. The manager gave me my lice shampoo and a couple of shower caps for free.

elswhere said...

Packing wouldn't be so hard if you didn't have to *live* in the house while simultaneously dismantling it.

We pick up the 24-foot moving truck Saturday. We leave at 7 AM Sunday.

Packed already: 86 boxes, at least 40 of which are books.

Still to dismantle/pack: kitchen, bathroom, bits and pieces all over the house, and...the BASEMENT. Which will surely involve several dump runs.

And my daughter's bed, which is a discontinued metal loft contraption from Ikea. It has roughly seventeen quazillion pieces and uses an Allen wrench I'm no longer sure we own.

Also: so far, we have no one definitely lined up to help us load the truck. Or unload it, for that matter.

I am remaining relatively calm by practicing steadfast denial. But it could all crack at any moment.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Liceridden: eeek! I'll bet every single one of us absentmindedly scratched our heads at that one.

My whines are small but heartfelt today: those lovely-sounding molasses cookies I made today? They aren't nearly as lovely as they sounded. Not terrible, but bland. And not cookie-ish.

Anti-whine: New computer! New computer! New computer! And they came with earbuds that fit my tiny ears!

Another small whine: why do I have to have books read by tomorrow? I want to play!

S. said...

Liceridden, I'm worried no one's noticing the desire-to-live part of your whine. *I'm* glad the will is still there. And offering hugs and life jackets til the desire turns up again. I'm forever misplacing things under piles of paper, myself.

Phantom Scribbler said...

Insomnia. That's a whine. Though I suppose it's an anti-whine that my children now sleep well enough that I can rediscover my inner insomniac.

But I've been up since before 4. Every night for, like, a month now. It's getting old.

Kathryn said...

Oh my! I think we're currently louse free (anti whine) but it has been a loooooong long session this time as they are absolutley endemic in the local big sympathy there.
Whine - despite efforts to lose weight I end this summer 4lbs heavier than I started it (which is about 2 stone heavier than I ought to be)
Whine - it has been so wet and miserable here that I still have piles of wet laundry waiting from our post holiday wash, with nowhere to hang them to dry
Anti whine - Greenbelt Festival is this weekend. Heaven on earth. Wish you could all be there.

Rebecca said...

I have a huge cast on my arm. It covers my entire forearm and elbow and continues most of the way up to my armpit. It's like those gloves elegant women wear with formal dresses, only much, much bigger and bulkier, not at all elegant, and not removable.

I have this because of my elbow surgery (whine and antiwhine rolled into one), and daily operations are challenging but that is really not my whine. My whine is that it itches like hell under there and there's nothing I can do about it, mainly because I have determined that the itch is coming from the stitches, and it would be a bad idea to mess with them.

Jenevieve said...

Ooh, I'm extra whiny today!
Whine: The grades are supposed to be posted today, and they aren't yet. No big deal, guys, take your sweet time putting up those silly little scores tha determine whether or not we can actually keep going to vet school.

Whine: Still no baby. Increasingly impatient.

Whine: Terrible backache. And, as a person who has had a slipped disc and myriad horseback riding-related injuries, I feel like that "terrible" is qualified. It is actually difficult to walk, sit, and lie down. Options? None. Boo.

Antiwhine: No pre-eclampsia! Um, yet.

Anti-whine: Fabulous husband.

Antiwhine: Homemade bran muffins! Mmm...

And that Counting Crows song was ruined for me when my husband pointed out that he sounds a LOT like Kermit the Frog in it.

Camera Obscura said...

Anti-whine: Hubs' boss / project sprung for tickets to Cards' game this evening, + $20 scrip / person. I've never been to the new stadium.

Whine: Heat index today: 105° F.

Semi-anti-whine: At least it's an evening game.

Whine: Hubs keeps getting sent OOT at the last minute (sometimes they call him at one place and tell him to go to the other) so much that he's falling behind at work and is mucho distracted. So much, in fact, that he forgot yesterday was the 27th anniversary of our meeting, something he usually remembers and I don't, something he once wrote about to NPR and got his letter read on the air.

Anti-whine: I hauled him out to dinner sans teenagers, made him laugh and relax. We went to an nice pan-Latin place, the food was killer. And I have left-overs for lunch.

Major anti-whine: And he said I'm the first girl that ever kissed him like she meant it. *melts*

a/k/a Nadine said...

Whine: I just made huge, life-altering decision. I am terrified of the ramifications. I really hope it all works out. (And that I don't lose my just-purchased house in the process.)

Antiwhine: I am really excited to start gard school next week.

Tranquilizers, anyone?

Kristen said...

Oooh - insomnia and lice all in one whining session. Let's hope the lice don't get insomnia - that could lead to some long nights...

no whines here. Just rain. rain and flooding. and more rain.

Yankee T said...

Whine Haiku For My Poor Child, Gigi-full details on my blog:

hoping against hope
daughter's birth mother makes it
until friday night

flying up to see her
this, first week of college
filled with tears and fright

S. said...

Alright, it looks like blogger is letting us back on again!

And I'm going to expand on my whines from the post because last night I got rain and sleeplessness all in one elegant bundle: when I finally dragged my sorry ass to bed, I discovered that the leak in our bedroom ceiling had been active again. So I wound up changing almost all of the bedclothes at 2:15 in the morning. Of course, I didn't do this all at once--each time I got one piece changed I discovered another one that was too damp for sleeping.

I finally dropped off less than an hour before Phantom woke up. --Sheila

Karen said...

Antiwhine: I met a super cool new boy!

Whine: He's spending labor day weekend with his ex and I'm convinced they are going to get back together and once again all my hopes for a respite from singledom will be dashed.

Votes for the Lice. You poor poor thing!

Phantom Scribbler said...

Oh, Sheila, major sympathy on the leak over the bed in the middle of the night. We have so been there.

Anonymous said...

My neverending novel (version 4.0) is back out in the world, almost exactly a year after the first version went out. I can't decide if this is a whine or an antiwhine.

I have a big-ass assessment for my boy next week. This may also be either whine or antiwhine: it's a whine that we have to get assessed in the first place, but surely the results will be an antiwhine either way? Either there's something wrong, and we get some help, or there's nothing wrong, and we get a piece of paper we can flap at teachers while saying, "Nyah-nyah, he's normal! You need to find a way to connect with him, lazy bitch!"

Okay, that came out a little more bitter than intended...

REAL WHINE: ever since the assessment was scheduled, he seems bent on proving that he can be Very Difficult Indeed.

Liz Miller said...

YT, I hope that Gigi's birthmom holds on.

Mykal said...

Whine: I have to go to a family wedding this weekend. My parents are also going to be there and afterwards they're coming out to my place to visit for a while. Spending time with my Mom is a huge, huge effort. Last time I saw her (nearly a year ago). The visit ended with her telling me she didn't want me to come home for Thanksgiving anyway, (we were tryin to make holiday plans, Christmas being spent at my boyfriends families place.)

While I don't want to cut my Mom out of my life. I also feel that it is a complete waste of my time to make any effort to get along with her. B/c no matter how hard I try, it just doesn't work. I could go on and on, but I'll stop.

Anti-whines: The weather is excellent and I put in an order for some super cute fall clothes the other day and I'm very excited to get them in the mail.

Anonymous said...

OMG lice. No! My sympathies to lice-ridden.

Anticipation is my whine-antiwhine. We are throwing our housewarming party on Saturday. This means lots of cleaning and decluttering of all that stuff I never got around to putting away. But if I do it right, i.e. don't hide it in the closet, then it will be put away. Maybe.

Whine: The children are not in camp or anything until school starts, Sept 4. The whining around here deafens my little old whines.

Whine: the rain has been a deluge around here. My dad figures we had 7 inches in less than week.

Anti-whine: no water in the basement. No flooding in our town.

Whine: I am putting my hope in the weather forecast to be accurate that there will not be rain on Saturday during the party. Feel free to laugh at me.

kathy a. said...

ewww! lice! votes also for sue, rebecca's itchy arm, elsewhere's moving adventure, phantom's sleepless nights, and jenevieve's backache.

(((((((( yankee )))))))) and
(((((((( gigi ))))))))).

antiwhines: the weather has been perfect. i finally used my birthday giftcard, so little packages [earrings, sheets, underwear, sweater] have been arriving one by one -- woo hoo!

BroccoliEater said...

whine: I came home from my week of vacation with the kids at my parents (which was fun) to find that my husband had not done anything housework related in a week. I *know* those piles of laundry were not my fault becuase I was not there to create them.

Sure, you missed me. You missed me cooking balanced meals and cleaning, that's what you missed.

Whine: Husband then left for a work trip, leaving me with a freshly sick kid in a trashed house. Oh, honey, tell me again how you hate travelling for work and its just no fun! Yeah, the meeting is such misery. You just wish you were home instead. Oh, a reception tonight? Strip steak and fruit tart? My heart bleeds.

And did I mention that when I charted out the next four months, he will be travelling something more than 25% of the time?

kathy a. said...

oh, more votes for shiela, rachel, mykal.

kathy a. said...

and an itchbay snorglemuffin award for sara; such a classic whine! brava!

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Whiney addendum to my previous anti-whine: I love my new computer. I hate Windows Vista. It freezes on me a little too much.

Scrivener said...

Whine: They say record-breaking heat here today, perhaps as high as 109.

Antiwhine: We got the new air conditioner operational yesterday afternoon, so it's at least bearable inside.

Sue said...

Lice! Insomnia! Heat! Oh no!!!

Votes for all of the above and for all the whiners at the pixie ball this week.

*scratches head at mention of lice*

Liceridden - I wish I could come and make it better.

Susan Anne MacKenna said...

Yeah, what Scriv said. Ugh. This is ludicrous. This heat is precisely what drove me to leave Dallas a decade ago. I didn't expect that it would creep Eastward.

On that note, I'd like to issue a big thank-you to the Georgia Legislature who has just concluded a set of hearings wherein they dismiss Global Warming as hysteria - we should consider the other side of this, erm, argument.

[/sarcasm] Sheesh. According to one of the so-called experts (from the Cato Institute!!), "this issue is being driven by hysteria right now." Riiiiight, dude.

Personal whines involve my job. I love my job, the people, the whole environment. I don't so much know *how* to do my job, which is, well, rather a predicament! Oy. Anyone out there know a good crash course in proposal writing???

Antiwhine: Mom was here the last few days and helped me move Little Miss S out of the nursery and into her and Miss M's "Big Girl Room", and convert our never-used dining room into what looks to be an oft-used playroom. And she bought me TWO dresses for my hugely pregnant self.

Antiwhine II: Went to my LAST perinatologist appointment, and he said all was great. Got pictures of the baby, and dudes, she's so fat! I love it! She's got chubby cheeks already. Her cranial measurement puts her right on-target at 30 weeks. Her belly, however, is that of a 32 week old (nothing bad - she's just fat!). Gah! 10 weeks and counting.

Uccellina said...

Hugs to YT. Liceridden, I would hug you too, but I had lice for three months straight when I was doing fieldwork in central Australia, and I never want to have them again.

Antiwhine: Pregnancy now bloggable!

debangel said...

Whine: getting ready to move SUCKS. We moved up our timeline for our CA to CO move and started packing and dumping and freaking out early. We had planned on braking the news to friends this week and our minister (also a close personal friend)accidentally spilled the beans yesterday. Gahhh!! And there are bags and boxes everywhere and my DH is a packrat of gargantuan proportions and I have dinged credit and have never bought a house before and yahhhhhh!!!!! Plus I have to go to FL in the middle of all this, and pack up my dad's house. He's moving to Italy. We think.

Antiwhine: My blog is going to be featured in this week's San Diego Reader (in print tomorrow!), and it should be up online at noon Pacific time at Please take pity and check it out and comment if you have time, I am sooo excited! I have no idea which excerpt they use and I will be at an appointment at noon today so you may see it before I do!

So much sympathy, hugs, and leftover ganache for lice, insomnia and pregnancy-induced backaches! (Jeni, run yourself a bath and stay there. Only thing that took the strain off my back.) Ciao for now!

Madeleine said...

Whine: Haven't whined in so long I feel rusty. Also, am terrible, no good volunteer whining moderator.

Whine: Husband has announced he plans to work from home every Wednesday this fall, when he isn't traveling. If he knew about the whining, I wouldn't be able to whine about him, would I?

Anti-whine: Cheesy 70s song that was stuck in my head this morning is gone. Let's hope it doesn't come back when I step away from my iTunes shuffle distractor.

Votes and hugs for just about everybody. Ick, ack, ugh.

elswhere said...

Debangel, you get many of teh points for starting the moving prep early. Courage!

ccw said...

My family is teh suck!!!

Hearing about their sucky, jealous asses has caused my shoulder to be sore and twitchy.

Note to self: Do not return phone calls to family. They are teh suck.

(This means family out side of my house, my parents, and in-laws)

Anonymous said...

Votes for liceridden because...yuck.

My whine is that baby-to-be has a small birth defect. Not life-threatening in any way, but still sadness at our house.

And maternity clothes shopping is teh yucky.

Madeleine said...


Sue said...

hugs and prayers for esperanza


KLee said...

Since I have no whines of great import (for once), I'm going Old Skool:

I, with guilty look, admit that I was totally addicted to "America's Got Talent." I rooted for a specific guy from the very start. I liked all the contestants that ended up in the final four, but there was ONE guy that I liked above all the others. The finale was last night, and my dude came in second. A ventriloquist won. Now, the ventrilioquist was GREAT, don't get me wrong -- I thought he was the best ventriloquist I'd ever seen -- but I wanted my pick to win.

Wherever you are, Cas -- you deserved to win. I hope you get everything that you always dreamed of, and were denied.

Anonymous said...

Many votes for liceridden, jenevieve (could that backache be early labor, possibly? just speculatin'), scriv and anyone else in record-breaking heat, Phantom and anyone else up all night or supremely early, Rachel and Sara (I would be fuming too).

Many hugs (and votes) for YT and Gigi.

My whine: my boy thinks seven-and-a-half is too old to hug or kiss me in public (even at the airport when he hasn't seen me for a week) or hold my hand (which I insisted on when crossing the street, after he first pulled it away from me and took ten years off my life by stopping in the middle of the crosswalk as a car was coming right at us).

At home, he will hug or kiss me upon request, but with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. He also says he doesn't need a song at bedtime, though "if you want to, you can sing, Mom."


Antiwhine: at least he's snuggly at bedtime. In fact, he doesn't want to let me go, though that leads to me thinking that he's just trying to delay sleeping, but I'm torn about leaving because he won't cuddle otherwise. Since when is seven so "grown up"?

Queen of West Procrastination said...


Updated whine: I want to kick Vista right in the networking device. Also, it's forced me back to IE7, because Firefox was freezing on me too much. Also, I've been so frustrated with Making It Work that I haven't been doing the urgent reading that's due early this evening.

Anti-whine: Upon reflection, and much taste-testing, the Bland Molasses Cookies are somehow addictive.

Anonymous said...

I do not feel pregnant. Now that the incredible tiredness is over, I have no symptoms. 15 weeks, and I have lost a pound, despite my complete lack of morning sickness. My clothes still fit. No nausea, no anything. Having a baby is a hard enough thing to grasp already... don't you think my brain would let me believe it already?

Antiwhine: Baby heartbeat strong at 160, although baby is apparently a bit wiggly, so it's hard to hear.
And I've seen an ultrasound picture.

So there is a baby there, I'm just having a really hard time believing it.

Anonymous said...

Classes started today. Need I say more?

I hate. Hate. HATE. HATE! our course management system.

That is all.

~profgrrrrl~ said...

I've not whined in a while, but really need it today. Accidentally left this at Phantom's earlier (oops). So here's the original.

To the point, bullet-style:

-yeast infection (TMI, I know)
-tenure binder due Mon
-tenure binder not done yet
-one of my 9 TAs quit today. Must fill position before Mon @ 4
-massive lab/software problems that took 6 hours to fix
-will not see Mr Wonderful for 9 more days
-3 days of retreat type crap ahead
-my house looks like a tornado hit and then was followed up by a hurricane. or something.

But I got a new lamp and it's great!

And now for the additions based on today.

-the retreat lunch is sitting in the bottom of my stomach feeling gross.
-the heat is making me sick.
-no one is answering my emails.
-my level of sleep deprivation has reached a new high.

BroccoliEater said...


Oh, so many whines to vote for.

Genevieve - my 7.5 year old is doing the same thing. No holding hands, no hugging, no kissing. Ever. Even at bedtime. I am allowed to hug him goodnight. "Mom, none of my friends' mothers hug and kiss them!" I've told him that they probably do when he's not around, but I'm not sure he believes me. :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whine: I thought I had a nice, grown-up relationship with my mother. Apparently denial, it is powerful. Turns out I wish my mother would be a mother instead of...not being a mother. Hmmm, it seemed to make more sense when I was in the therapist's office. I wish I could have a resident therapist with me all the time. "Stop that!" she could yell when I start feeling guilty. "Own your behavior!" she'd say when I blame my mom for something. Sigh.

Tiruncula said...

Votes for everyone who itches and parenthihugs for everyone with serious whines - especially Jane, because we specialize in old-dog angst at my house.

My whines are too diffuse to top my winning old-skool underpaid birthday whine of last week, so I'll just summarize: Midlife crisis.

Liz Miller said...

$523.00 for books.

And now I have to carry them to the car out in the farthest parking lot.

Votes and hugs for Esperanza and YT on behalf of Gigi.

Elizabeth said...



Anonymous said...

I had plans to write a long ode to Dell customer service & tech support, but I’m too freaking tired. I’ll just rant instead, fueled by all my grouchy exhaustion from the start of classes yesterday.

Bert ordered a laptop from Dell as a graduation gift for Dancing Girl. Reeeaally bad idea. It has been a piece of crap since Day One. At first, we thought the problems were all due to Vista, so we didn’t push DG too hard on getting things set up—she was out of town for 2 of the first 3 weeks after graduation. Unfortunately, after 3 weeks, we were no longer able to get a refund for this fireplacing piece of excrement.

It finally got to the point where the stupid thing wouldn’t even boot. We bought more memory, because tech support determined that part of the problem was that Vista was sucking up almost every ounce it had. It worked for about a day, then failed again. This time, it was determined that we had a defective motherboard. They sent us a new one. Finally, when it promptly failed again despite the new motherboard, they decided to send us an entirely new machine.

Only trouble is, they didn’t tell us that it would take as much as 3 weeks for said new computer to arrive. DG leaves Saturday—that’s right, in 2 days plus a few hours. Her computer is currently scheduled to arrive here, 1000 miles from her, the middle of next week. So DG will leave for college WITHOUT her computer. We can’t even tell Dell directly what we think of them, because the only people Bert has had contact with are low-level flunkies based in India. Right now, if I could actually speak to someone responsible, I would ram DG’s laptop up hir ass.

Whine #2—I had to go off my allergy meds for a week so I could have some blood tests to determine just how bad my allergies were. The lab didn’t draw enough blood the first time, so I’ve had to go BACK off my allergy meds for another week. In addition to my usual snuffly misery, coughing and sinus headaches, I now have a lovely itchy rash on my face that is probably heat and/or allergy-related, but I can’t take anything for it until after my blood draw on Friday. Did I mention that we’re taking DG to college on Saturday? And that classes started yesterday, so I’ve been run off my feet? Not good timing.

Antiwhine—both my sections made enrollment, so I have a small boost in my paycheck.


susan said...

Lice and dying birthmothers totally get my vote. Many, many hugs to Gigi and the rest of the YT family.

Genevieve, he's growing up too fast! Hugs to you, too.

And to Esperanza: more hugs.

My whine: I'm tired, tired, tired, and it's only the first day of the semester. I'm department chair, I should be feeling happy and perky and encouraging, esp of my new colleague, but the new colleague is a bit, um, high maintenance. And I just want to go hide in the library. And then there are complications in a tenure case I'm overseeing. Argh. Work is not so fun. I miss the giddy excitement of the start of the school year.

Unknown said...

Are we starting early or am I off by a day? OK, I'm off by a day. It's Wednesday, right?

Having a stable and sometimes good week, for once.

Antiwhine: banana bread. New recipe found in Silver Palate cookbook. TO DIE FOR. Have eaten nothing else in days.

Antiwhine: Actually went shopping and bought myself a new outfit. Just a pair of capris and a cute top, but NEW CLOTHES. It's been years, I tell you. Years.

AntiWhine: The Boy's now on yet another new medication, which makes two new meds in one week. But he's tapering off another med, which is good. And (shhhh) he's doing better! Still not great, but not so manic that I can't deal with him. Huge sigh of relief here.

Antiwhine: Pdoc is seeing son weekly, as his therapist, to keep a close eye out, and they just recommended us to the CAP program thru the Dept of Mental Health, which will help us with support and some financial services. They're coming this week to interview us.

Antiwhine: My doctor gave me some valium-type meds, which have totally changed my demeanor. I'm smooth right now. And I've got so much energy and am doing so much.

Antiwhine: Successful week on freecycle. Got a brand new bed for the Boy, and a nice Ikea dresser for the Girl.

But life is not all roses and lollypops.

Whine: I'm in appliance hell. 2 weeks ago it was the broken stove.

Last week the hot water heater keeled over and said "enough".

This week, the dishwasher door broke. But it was very stylish. We filled it up, turned it on, and halfway thru the wash the door blew off, flooding the kitchen. Best part, Boy had left dry spaghetti on the floor and had refused to sweep it up, so the hot water from dishwasher cooked the spaghetti. Awesome!

Whine: Poor Worthless Pet gave himself a concussion running right into the window after a spider. Knocked himself out and everything. That is one dumb cat.

Whine: Selling stuff on Craigslist is ridiculous. I got over 40 responses to an ad, one person actually showed up. What is it with that site? Flake central!

Whine: Did 12 loads, or 200+ lbs of laundry at laundramat this weekend due to hot water issue. EVERYTHING was clean for about 2 hours!

Antiwhine: Bought all school supplies (go me!) and all needed school clothing except my son's jeans which require a special trip as he will ONLY wear one kind of jeans.

Antiwhine: Starting to put up winter clothing (kids) on ebay. I've got tons.

Votes for Liceridden, whomever you are. That stinks. (((esparanza))) Been there. If you want to "talk" email me.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, YT, I'm just so so sorry. Lots of hugs to Gigi and all the family.

KLee said...

I took myself out of the running too soon.

The husband came home in an extremely groucharaffic mood today because they're treating him like a pack mule at work again.

In the mail was his annual raise notice. It was barely 2%. (My thought was -- "yay! A raise!" but apparently 2% is so paltry as to scoff at.) I have yet to find out whether I get a raise this year or not.

When he walks into the bathroom, he discovers that the little floatie bulb in the toilet tank has cracked, and now there's toilet water all over the floor. He can't fix it all by himself -- it's a job for three hands, but there's no room in our bathroom, and Offspring was in the middle of a bath. Then the cat joined us. Offspring is freaking because there's **TOILET** water all over the rug and floor. It was fun times in the wet bathroom, let me tell you.

He has every right to be grouchy, but things like this put him in a funk for DAYS. And I feel like there's nothing I can do to make him feel better. And pardon me, but I DO get my feelings somewhat hurt when he talks about what crap his life is -- hello!?! I am PART of your life! Don't I make it any better? Or do I just drag you down, too?

I need chocolate. But, fireplace it, I'm back on my diet.

Miranda said...

Oh Dear God. It's 12:21am. I am still awake. So is my son. [breathes in paper bag]. He's IMing. [three big breaths] With a girl.

You know what else? Homecoming is in six weeks and he now owns a suit. [panting hard into paper bag] My baby boy is going into high school and can start dating.

***Miranda passes out***

debangel said...

I vote for a small, non-diet-busting square of high-quality chocolate for Klee, and a paper bag WITHOUT a hole in it for Miranda ;)

Jenevieve said...


"He has every right to be grouchy, but things like this put him in a funk for DAYS. And I feel like there's nothing I can do to make him feel better. And pardon me, but I DO get my feelings somewhat hurt when he talks about what crap his life is -- hello!?! I am PART of your life! Don't I make it any better? Or do I just drag you down, too?"

KLee, you get my vote for something, because you just perfectly described my biggest pet peeve with my husband. Yes, yes, yes.

Liz Miller said...

((KLee)). Also, I nominate you for elevated risk for Groucherific.