
Friday, March 5, 2010

Awards! Whines Coming Out of Our Ears, and Other Orifices, Edition

Without further ado, I bring you the awards:

A Giant Margarita to Redzils. Drown that heartache. The pixies send love.

Blech Begone Award to Sue. Could this illness have been any worse? Don't think so.

Robbing Peter to Pay Paul Award to Jenevieve, who is canceling one important trip to pay for another.

But It Will All Be Worth It! Award to Days, whose current children are mutinying while her husband completes the paperwork to bring home the newest family member.

Trifecta Award to Amy for weaning, poor-quality feminine hygiene products, and worst of all, flavor-free cookies! The horror.

Heartfelt Plea Award to Sarah, who pleads "Could I be less dedicated to a job that pays so little?"

Remembering What It's All About Award to esperanza and her repeatably plugged duct. With a side of Mullet for "for some reason she doesn't want to eat while standing on her head."

The Cluestick Posse is inspired by kathy a.'s suggestion that Sue breath her horrible flu all over the horrible people in her work life. Now we're all snickering. And thinking about who we'd like to infect.

Enough already. See you next week!


kathy a. said...

lovely ceremony, madeleine -- and the "under duress" laurel for hosting during the time of work work whine.

Sue said...

Thanks madeleine.

I'm actually upright today! And at work. Big vote day. My sermon sucks but no one is going to care, thank goodness.

All I can think about is getting this over with and going back to bed - but hey, I *got* here. Go me!

Days said...

Ah. A very nice ceremony indeed!