
Friday, March 26, 2010

Awards posted on a lunch break.

Happy birthday to Sarah at ratatat! The Pixies wish you many happy returns of the day, and no stitches or pink eye.

kathy a gets the Distance Whining Award. I think she is our first Pixie reporting in across the Date Line from their usual whining spot. Look at us getting all world travel!

Days gets the I Love You Now Go To Sleep Award for parenting in the wee dark hours. We hope you get sleep (lots of sleep, lots of nights in a row) soon!

Esperanza gets the Little Bit of Help Award, since it sounds like she could use it. We are all glad to hear the Sweet Baboo seems to be enjoying school.

Jenevieve gets the Virtual Rock Award. It sounds like you have had a hard trip, and need a dark place to tuck in for awhile. We stand by with cluesticks for your family, airplane passengers, and anyone else who is harshing your mellow, to use a Californiaism that makes me laugh.

Quinn and amy are my heroes for telling students to manage their own time and do their own work. I wanna be you when I grow up, ladies!

Jen R wins the Photoshop Award, for two years in a row of scraped baby face in professional photos. You may want to keep an un-retouched version too – it will make a great story when he is old enough to laugh at his toddler self.

Amy, we have our fingers crossed that the potential job offers so much money that your husband can bring himself to leave The Bad People behind.

P_K, much Pixie Sympathy for your friend’s family.

Apparently nine isn’t too early for crushes. I remember marrying my sister off to a friend’s little brother at that age, in a Kl33nex veil, and neither of them seems to have suffered any ill effects from it. They haven’t crossed paths in at least a decade, and neither seems to mind.

Neighbor Lady, your filing systems sounds eerily familiar to me! I hope you have managed to row your way to shore, or at least comfort yourself with lactose-free Ghirade11i.

Liz gets the Prettiest Doorstep That Ever Was Award, for her 222 page masterwork..

Emily gets the coveted Double Helix Award, for wrapping “a whine within assvice.” The judges bow to that degree of difficulty. (And by judges, plural, I mean me and the mouse in my pocket).

Sue gets the Ten Plagues Award, for a hard week. I gotta say, the mental image of you throwing that magazine at your Hubby makes me snicker.

Sue’s friend N gets the Presumptive Cape Award, for swooping in to help Sue’s doctor understand that his job includes helping his patients with pain. We can provide her an array of cluesticks to choose from, as well, if she thinks swinging one would help him take her more seriously.

I hope all Pixies have had a good week. The fabulous Madeleine will be hosting next week. See you then!


Sue said...

Thanks redzils. My friend will love the cape, and knowing her, she would want matching cluesticks. Accessories matter, right?

esperanza said...

Thanks Dr R. I got a little help today and managed a 2.5 hour nap, which has improved my disposition considerably.

purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks so much for the hosting and awards ceremony, and for the sympathy and the reassurance that AJ is not the first youngster to get a crush. :)

I've been too busy lately to do much internet stuff, but in a good way.

Jenevieve said...

Thanks for the awards, Dr. R! Yay!

kathy a. said...

lovely awards, redzils! i'm back in my appointed time zone now, but it was a small world miracle being able to whine from afar!