
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Whiner's Ball: Anniversary Waltz Edition

Welcome to the Whiner's Ball yet again! I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving, and people are now recovered from the tryptophan-induced lethargy that came after. And those of you that braved the shopping: you lot are demented!

I'm celebrating my 15th wedding anniversary this Wednesday, hence the title. In honor of the momentous feat of my husband and I surviving all those years together, and not yet having killed or seriously maimed each other, I will try my level best not to join the voices upraised in (agonized) song this week. For those of you who'd like to read my tribute to fifteen years of wedded bliss, check my place on Wednesday.

What's new by you, pixies? Anything momentous to share? Any gripes that need airing before you spontaneously combust? Fire away when ready!


Liz Miller said...

School. Gah! Tearing hair out!!!

Liz Miller said...

Happy Anniversary, KLee!!!

kathy a. said...

happy anniversary, klee and beloved! sending hair-and-sanity protection vibes to liz.

my whine is partly old skool [unwanted mail] and partly WTF? another issue of Town & Country magazine arrived, and it appears i have a subscription. it isn't even from an enemy relative playing a joke. va1yoom@g dot com signed me up, dog knows why, and I AM NOT ALLOWED TO UNSUBSCRIBE. the evil entity's phone number does not work; their website has been written up for "cookie-stuffing overwriting existing cookies."

i want to beat them over the marketing lobes of their puny souls with a cluestick the size of a cannon, but haven't yet worked up enough energy to alert the consumer protection people about idiots who send highly-scented, diamond-encrusted, multi-pound junk mail to strangers.

KLee said...

Ooh -- School woes for Liz and stinky chi-chi, "we'll never be able to afford to live like THIS!" woes to kathy a.

Three responses in, and already into dangerous territory! :)

OneTiredEma said...

more unbloggable job stress, now potentially with vomiting!

to quote: "I'm not going to work today. I just vomited. It could be something I ate, or the flu, or it could be nerves?" Nerves? "About work stuff."


(am I a terrible person if I would be vaguely relieved if it were the nerves because then I wouldn't have to worry about icky bodily fluids from myself or the kids? we've just now beaten back The Pink Eye Scourge of November. less gross that Teh Vomit, to be sure, but still lots of washing linens.)

OneTiredEma said...

Oh, and happy anniversary to KLee!

DevilMacDawg said...

Nobody warned me that my Little Miss S would become daemonicly possessed upon the birth of my second. Holy cow, the tantrii - multiple, daily meltdowns over such major issues as the color of our milk cup (she's never cared one whit before!) or the clothes we will wear to school. Meanwhile Mr. Mac enters Finals and so I'm doing this pretty much alone. Baby MC is awesome - seriously sleeping 6 hrs at night - so I can't complain. My MIL comes in Saturday to pitch in for a week, too.

Congratulations KLee! Ugh Liz - I feel it - even if it's just via my husband. A hug for you too!

Sue said...

Happy 15th Anniversary KLee!!!

'tis the season, right Liz? I hope the hair-tearing time is over soon.

Whine: I had an appointment with my general practitioner on Monday. My therapist (and others) have noticed that I have developed a significant tremor, especially in my left hand. Therapist reminded me last week to mention it to my GP, so like a good do-bee, I did.

His response: He didn't look up from his notes to LOOK AT my shaky hand (which I was trying to show him) and he said, "Oh, it's probably just from the brain tumour."

And on to the next item on his list of questions for me. WTF?????

He was being sarcastic and probably thought he was quite humourous. Can you say UN-professional?????


Miranda said...

Happy Anniversary, KLee!

Glad to see we all survived Thanksgiving. Liz, I'm with you on the school thing and Onetiredema I also stand in solidarity with you on the stress thing. I can eat maybe one meal a day when I get all bound up with stresses. Kathy A, that magazine is pure evil. DMD, hoping that Miss S gets undaemonized fairly soon for your sanity. Sue, I also have a cluestick to beat your doctor with. Just say the word, and it is yours.

My whine: I wish my school district had a comprehensive plan for dealing with food allergies. A hundred ad hoc plans seems most inefficient. I'd like to see a base plan and then it can be tweaked as needed. I feel a project coming on. Oh, and I really don't understand people who just want to see their own child taken care of - hang the rest.

I don't understand why food celebrations have to be part of any school curriculum given the fact that so many kids have food allergies or keep kosher or are vegan. We ask that our children be educated and their food issues should not be a limiting factor in school participation.

Anti-whine: I received a lovely email from the head of the deaconate and my kids and I have been asked to light the advent candles at the Christmas Eve service. Apparently, we are a popular fixture there. I feel so much love for and from them. It really helps take the bite off the rest of the past few months.

Liz Miller said...

I am done tearing at least some of the hair from the occipital belly of my epicranius: Muscle Practical is done and I'm pretty sure I aced it. Now on to my final paper for Psych, and my final exams in Cell Bio (both lab and lecture), in A&P lecture, and in Psych.

Sue, I think it's time to switch GPs.

Anonymous said...

I have a cluestick that is dangerously close to the knees of a certain GP.

My whine is so boring and so the whine I always have that I can barely bring myself to write it. Still not pregnant. Not that we tried this month because I just needed to not try for once (if you don't try you can't fail). This doesn't mean that I'm not upset about it though! Two nights ago the sqvirrel told me that his best friend from high school and his wife are pregnant. And I burst into tears. This is not really the appropriate response, is it? Anyway, in two months we will have been trying for a year and if we aren't pregnant by then we'll go in to see a doctor. And maybe something will happen between now and then. So there's a Plan. But will someone please tell my emotions that? My brain gets it. My emotions don't listen nearly so well. Blech.

kathy a. said...

hugs to onetiredema and the evil duo of pinkeye plus jobstress plus...

more hugs and an anti-tantrii spell to DMD and her crew.

sue, i second the motions to find a new GP, and whack the one you have with a cluestick. not sure if you have considered seeing a neurologist, but between the headaches and the tremor, it might be worth it.

((( miranda ))) that is a very sweet antiwhine, in this season of stuff.

more hugs to turtlebella. mother nature is fickle, and sometimes mean.

Anonymous said...

Sue, I join in on the clamor suggesting you switch GPs and cluestick this one!

Jenevieve said...

Exams! Eek!

Also, somehow the school thinks I have missed 12 out my 29 practical classes this year. Um, no? I've missed... 5.

Elizabeth said...

whine: how can Hanukkah be less than a week away? Too much needs to be done still.

anti-whine: my husband managed to reattach the ducting to the dryer, so we have a working dryer again

whine: somehow that doesn't make the huge mountain of laundry that piled up while it wasn't working go away all by itself.

Anonymous said...

votes for turtlebella, before I forget. The emotions don't listen to logic or reason or much of anything, I've found. Especially when aided and abetted by their good pal, hormones.

My whine is also getting monotonous. Three steps forward, two and a half back in the Project-Baby-Come-Home-from-the-NICU. Sigh. Poor little thing is the Princess of Reflux.

She is growing, and cute, and she looks at me now, with every appearance that she's actually focusing her wee little eyeballs. Still, I'd rather her be cute at home.

JenR said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JenR said...

(edited for better spelling...)

Just a whine of impatience from me... my performance review was supposed to be two weeks ago, but my boss is putting it off due to busy-ness. The expected raise should be significant, and I'm impatient to know what it is. In the meantime, I've gotten two messages from recruiters I know - and one was for a job at The Dream Company (now! with 30 minutes less commuting time!). Alas, at 29 weeks pg, my current job does not suck enough that I am willing to give up my impending maternity leave. I asked them to please remember me in spring.

Antiwhine: They seemed to understand. Hopefully they really will remember me in spring.

That Mommy said...

Early mornings our child inflicts.
With my habits, this somewhat conflicts.
But come 6:01
And her day is done.
'Cause jet lag has still got her licked.

Kids who can talk sure are neat.
She chatters, she whinges, she tweets.
And our little discussion
About my bad Russian
Seems to repeat and repeat.

That Mommy said...

Happy Anniversary KLee!

Whine: Blogger is all about not letting me finish a comment.

We are officially, legally, magically the parents of three kids now. Kid3 quite enjoys correcting my paltry attempts to speak her language(her English is much better than my obscure Slavic dialect).

Votes and sympathy for esperanza's NICU two-step, turtlebella and elizabeth's Hannukah-already? whine.

Mrs. Coulter said...

hi, one of these days i'll start blogging again. anyway, i have a very special Dragon Tales whine today:


I usually avoid watching Dragon Tales (bad mommy), but Lyra wanted me to sit with her today. The interstitial song was devoted to Cassie.

How much does it bug me that the pink, female dragon is characterized as loyal, shy, and nurturing? Feminine stereotype, much?


Anonymous said...

Hsppy Anniversary, Klee.

Whine of the week: My son. He is a major screw-up and too many outside sources are taking notice. He's headed for residential treatment and he can't seem to straighten up.

Mental Illness in this country totally sucks.

Spanking Bill? Since when does the Commonwealth feel they have the right to come into a home if you swat a kids tush? STOOOOPID. And I don't spank and never have.

My toilet. The one that constantly breaks down? Is broken down again. The landlady doesn't seem to understand that not having a toilet downstairs is detrimental to my health. Or, she's too fireplacing cheap to care. I vote for the latter.

Hives. They pop out when I'm stressed. I am very splotchy. Many harlequin Great Danes have less splotches than I do.

Son, who is a major PITA, left entire turkey carcass with about 1/2 a bird worth of meat out on counter overnight. Then he didn't take out garbage so that I have a stinky carcass in my kitchen trash can because we have too many animals to leave it outside. Again, I'm giving this child away cheap. Any takers?

Uccellina said...

Happy anniversary to KLee! Hugs to Turtlebella, from One Who Understands. Hugs also to Esperanza, and I hope your sweet girl comes home soon. Why so many hugs from me? Because I need them too.

I'm whining the financial whine today. Husband's health insurance, which he gets through his union, is disappearing because he's been unemployed for so long. His unemployment checks have also run out. And my boss is now talking about making me pay for not only Husband's coverage on our plan, but coverage for the two babies who will be putting in an appearance around March. You know, with all that extra money from my fantastic trust fund that I don't have.

I have other whines, but really, I think that one takes center stage right now.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I forgot--this is truly a petty, mean whine, so I bring it here. (Thank God for Wednesday Whining!).

To the New Mommy whose baby will spend, at most, one night in the NICU: Loudly lamenting that you just CAN'T go home without your baby is understandable, but REALLY insensitive to the rest of us veterans. So, just shut up. Or at least lament quietly.

And thanks for the hugs. They help. And uccellina, that is heinous. I hope it works out, and quickly.

kathy a. said...

style votes and many congrats to that mommy, and kid3! woo hooo!!

hugs and well-growing-baby vibes to esparanza. a mute button for the short-termers who cannot get a clue already.

here's to a good review, and soon, with a retroactive raise for jenr. and to finishing the term with panache, for jenevieve.

uccellina, that sucks! cluesticks to the boss, i say.

((( margalit )))

holiday and laundry fairies for all, especially elizabeth.

Anonymous said...

omg. am buried. under. stacks. of. papers to grade.

they all suck. so. much. ohgod.

also, and again with the not pregnant blues, so my love to those who know it too well. (and my veteran NICU love to esperanza. been there, too.) we are also not trying this month because the due date would land perfectly so as to require I take two semesters off. can't do that as we need teh monay. my whine is not the break so much, but that my profession requires I plan my life around its calendar, and its alone.

gah. skool is dumm.

Liz Miller said...

Hugs to Esperanza, Uccellina, and Margalit

BroccoliEater said...

Ah, Wednesday!

My whine: I could not whine last week for Thanksgiving when I really, really, needed to. Because my ILs were hanging over my shoulder saying "Watcha typing?" every time I got on the computer.

Whine: My MIL can suck all the life out of a conversation. As DH said, "It's like a mom-shaped hole in the center of the room."

Whine: I had to vacuum for over an hour to get all the dog hair up. We have mostly hardwood with two largish area rugs. Dogs are kinda gross. Love 'em, but gross.

Silly whine: Ever since college, I have wanted to weave. I can spin, I can knit. I always said that when I had a place to put it, I wanted a loom. Well, I have a basement with a well-lit end perfect for a loom. But now, I have neither the time (what with the 2 small children and the job), nor the opportunity (what with the noplace to learn). The Major University here has a Fibers major -- but all the profs are engineers and all the courses are in designing synthetics. And my Dilettante Kung Fu is not up to the 2 hour drive to the nearest place I could take courses. And yes, I realize this may qualify for the Children Are Starving in Belgium Why are you Whining award, but its what I whined about this afternoon...