
Thursday, November 8, 2007


Congratulations to DevilMacDawg on the safe arrival of Baby Mac!

Woo Hoo to Liz for a winning campaign!

Many hugs, chocolate, and sympathy for Scrivener, Margalit, and Andy.

Condolences to all who are suffering this week from corn allergies, exhaustion, tantrums, broken stuff, traffic tickets, breakups, deep personal insults, unfinished papers, flaky appliances, ice outside already, critical questions about the placement of months in their assigned seasons, time changes, layoffs at work, not getting laid off and receiving the severance package, pet power plays, litter box accidents, divorce, multiple meetings, unbloggable job stress of a beloved, grade-mongering emails, loud phones, strep throat, overly-efficient squirrels, dirty dishes, time change blues, performing as the bearer of bad news, word manglings, giggles, behavior modification, snow already, single parenting, second grade homework, vomit, carlessness, therapy, acting-out children, hospitalized children, blaming children, dealing with the phone company, lost elections, and plain old worn-outedness.

There is serious competition in the Old School category this week: Andy (pieces falling off the car, broken glovebox and lights, no spare tire, etc.); S (computerized phone calls, to the wrong number, in which the computer malfunctions); and Neighbor Lady (how come all the spoons are always dirty?).

Best New Invented Word Award to DevilMacDawg, for "tantri," the multiple of "tantrum."

Elevated Risk of Mullet Award to Mykal, for "peak whininess."
Thanks to everyone for playing! Join us again next week for another installment of "better living through whining!"
Editorial Update: A column in today's local paper discusses COMPLAINT CHOIRS!


Anonymous said...

Excellent awards!

Quite something about the complaint choir. Very Greek drama chorus - esque.

Unknown said...

There is apparently something terribly wrong with my life. I think I've won an award at least 4 weeks in a row. Please help me get the hell out of dodge!

Madeleine said...

Wonderful awards, Kathy. And thanks for the links. I'm Canadian and my feet and hands are cold.

kathy a. said...

canada has an impressively musical presentation. but on further review, i'm going to have to give the style plus substance award to the complaints choir of Bodo, which makes me laugh uncontrollably despite having to rely on captions:

kathy a. said...
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