
Thursday, July 12, 2007

The first award

Since Phantom won't give herself an award, I will:

The BB-inspired "Lonely for Dat" award goes to Phantom Scribbler herself, for showing us all how to make a thoughtful and gracious transition from something we know we loved to something we hope we still will. This award comes with an actual, real-world bonus of free Thursday mornings and quiet Wednesday inboxes.

Yasher koach, friend.


(Edited: Ha! I even put the graphic on. Just like home if it weren't so big and pixillated. Suggestions on tweaking?) [Edited: Happier with that? --Scriv] (edited: kudos to S. for posting the graphic, and scriv for advanced tweaking skills! -- kathy a.)(Edited: whaddaya know? This group blog thing might work! --s.)


Phantom Scribbler said...

Sniffle. Thanks much.

kathy a. said...

hooray, phantom!

elswhere said...

Hear, Hear!

JM said...

take the "width: 200px;" out of the image code.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing that, S.

Sue said...

*applause applause* hooray for Phantom!!

Hooray for our new administrators!

debangel said...

wwwwwwwwWAAAAVVVVEEEeeeee (doing "the wave" for Phantom)

Liz Miller said...

Brava! Brava!!!

Unknown said...

Well done, and well said!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Phantom!!