Since Phantom won't give herself an award, I will:
The BB-inspired "Lonely for Dat" award goes to Phantom Scribbler herself, for showing us all how to make a thoughtful and gracious transition from something we know we loved to something we hope we still will. This award comes with an actual, real-world bonus of free Thursday mornings and quiet Wednesday inboxes.
Yasher koach, friend.
(Edited: Ha! I even put the graphic on. Just like home if it weren't so big and pixillated. Suggestions on tweaking?) [Edited: Happier with that? --Scriv] (edited: kudos to S. for posting the graphic, and scriv for advanced tweaking skills! -- kathy a.)(Edited: whaddaya know? This group blog thing might work! --s.)
Sniffle. Thanks much.
hooray, phantom!
Hear, Hear!
take the "width: 200px;" out of the image code.
Thanks for doing that, S.
*applause applause* hooray for Phantom!!
Hooray for our new administrators!
wwwwwwwwWAAAAVVVVEEEeeeee (doing "the wave" for Phantom)
Brava! Brava!!!
Well done, and well said!
Yay for Phantom!!
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