
Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Hangover Whining

Candy wrappers and costume flotsam and jetsam blowing down the street, tired grownups and kids. Yes, it's the day after Halloween! Time to whine!

Halloween was no picnic. Mini Baboo, STILL not over the snot from last week, woke up with a fever. On a Sunday, when both of her parents were preaching. Fever all day long. To the doctor this morning, chest x-ray, blood work, and....bronchitis, with antibiotics. Woo hoo. The Sweet Baboo has been grumpy as all get out because her antibiotics (for the suspected UTI) have messed up her digestive system, such that her little bum is sore, sore enough to wake her up at night. Doctor gave us some probiotics for that situation. She also decided that Halloween was a good day to skip her nap, and then crashed post-party, pre-trick-or-treating. No TOTing for either of the Baboos. And, we ran out of candy.

All that seemed whine worthy. Until my mom called this morning with news that my sister-in-law had lost her baby, at 14 weeks.

So, we have whines big and small at the esperanza household. What's going on in yours?

And if you have any leftover candy, we'd love some! By "candy" I mean "chocolate." Thanks.


kathy a. said...

(((((( esperanza )))))) lot of whine-worthiness there. hope that both the baboos are on the mend! and i'm so sorry for your family's loss. xoxox

Liz Miller said...

Dittoing Kathy. Sending hugs.

Liz Miller said...

AW: Rally to Restore Sanity = 215,000 attendees (conservative estimate).

W: Cells so over-loaded I couldn't even begin to find my friends.

AW: That's okay, it was too crowded to do more than wander the periphery.

W: Hotdog vendor ran out of hotdogs 2 hours before we got to him.

AW: He still had ice cream.

AW: We talked to people from California and Canada who had travelled in just for the rally. The Californians had already voted. I asked.

AW: I've been to many rallies on the mall. The only one I've been to that was larger was this one.

Flutterbye said...
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Liz Miller said...

Yikes! Confrontation is never any fun. Remember that we are all standing behind you, cluesticks at the ready.

Flutterbye said...

Also, I need childcare for all the appointments and meetings, and my kids are sick. I don't really have anyone I can ask to watch my kids while they're sick. Ugh.

Flutterbye said...
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Liz Miller said...

1) can you ask the folks to come to you since your kids are ill, and set your kids up with an activity to do elsewhere (on the other side of a door?)

2) there are a few leaderly types in our circle, can you talk to them?

Flutterbye said...
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Flutterbye said...
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kathy a. said...
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Flutterbye said...
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Anonymous said...

Wish knew what flutterby was talking about so I could offer help beyond a virtual ((((hug)))), but I don't so I can't.

We have not one piece of Halloween candy which is what happens when your kids get old. It sucks. No more cute costumes, nobody knocking on the door, it is like Halloween no longer exists.

W: Still very homeless but currently staying in a hotel that has a bit of a kitchenette (no oven or dishwasher) and a comfortable bed.

W: one of our cats is STILL stuck out in ashland with the scary family and we do not know her fate but need to get her back.

W: Nobody will take us out that far so we can't get her on our own.

AW: Went to Limmud Boston yesterday and had a brilliant time. Very uplifting session on God when you're chronically ill that was both helpful and clarifying. Also had my hand hennaed in a historical Moroccan wedding pattern that is beautiful. I love it.

AW: Both kids are doing well. Daughter just returned from a weekend visiting NYU, she was in Miami last month and will go again this month, and will be in Bolivia over Christmas break. Having a rich boyfriend really suits her. :-). Son is with me, is slowly starting to look for work and get his life on track. Yeah, it took 2 years, but I had faith that EVENTUALLY he would move forward. Both kids want to sign up for Birthright to Israel.

AW: Now that I'm out of the house falling down around me and the horrible basement from hell, I'm feeling pretty damn good. That house was bringing me so far down, and I knew it but was parilyzed. Now I just need to find a cheap but livable apartment in Boston. Piece of cake! :-(

Flutterbye said...

Sorry, I know I'm being vague. Just can't give details in a forum like this. But it's related to my spouse's disclosure a few weeks ago that he'd been lying to me and quite a few other people for the past 3 years, if that helps.

esperanza said...

Ew. Did I mention that smushed Tootsie Rolls on the driveway are adding to my Halloween Hangover?

FB, much peace to you.

Margalit, glad to know you are somewhat settled.

kathy a. said...

smushed tootsies!?!? teh horror.

stupid whine of no consequence in the scheme of things: i have to go to the forced-march family thingy next weekend. having exhausted worrying about someone acting out, which will happen or it won't, now i'm on to worrying about clothing. as in, mine sucks. which usually doesn't bother me so much.

antiwhine: i'm working on recharging the "so what" attitude.

Days said...

Sinus infections, flea infestation and and parent-teacher meetings are the order of the week. I did see my onc last week(and we do have a tentative chemo game plan now), so I have shamefully rewarded my resistance to the procrastination with a terrible quantity of junk food.

((FB)) I wish I had any useful suggestions to offer. Just hugs.

We do have an excessive amount of chocolate in the house, so I`ll pass that around.

esperanza said...

Woo hoo! Days saves the day (ha ha ha)! Chocolate for all!

And, finally an AW from me, my Sweet Baboo, who doesn't say anything, said a pretty damn good approximation of "I love you" when I put her in bed tonight. I needed that today. Thanks, Universe.

kathy a. said...

yay, sweet! that's a full sentence, even!

forgot about all the chocolate we have left here, on account of we got no trick or treaters.

((( days ))) would you like some nachos with that?

Flutterbye said...

I'm sorry, Pixies. I'm feeling really anxious and emotionally (not physically) unsafe right now, and am feeling I shared far too much detail on this thread. I think I am going to ask one of the pixies with the Magical Disappearing wand to make a few of those posts disappear. Sorry.

esperanza said...

Flutterbye, of course. All of them? Sorry if we pushed you to say more than you wanted.

Email me at texasesperanza (at) hotmail (dot) com and let me know which ones you'd like to go poof. I believe I have the technology to do that.

Flutterbye said...

It's not the pixies I'm worried about, it's the fact that this is publicly available on the internets. Sometimes I forget that. Thanks, I will e-mail you.

Sue said...

Oh my. So many worthy whines this week. Please know my snot-filled head has read the whines and stands in solidarity with each pixie!

Whine: Yep. My cold fx immune boosting army has retreated in disgrace. The latest news is that Colonel Vit C and Private First Class Echinachae were the first to run away like little girls.

Their departure left the door wide open for the TBA (total body aches), fever and a head thick with snottage. Once the floodgates begin, this geiser of a head is going to lose brain matter - I'm sure of it.

Whine: My husband thinks I'm a drama queen. Que????

Whine: In my NeoCitran fog, I found myself watching Gossip Girl tonight. Take my word for it - if it appears on your screen, RUN. Worst. Show. Ever.

Double Rotten Stinking Holy Crap Universe Enough Already Whine: This is my Study Week so I'm off. As in, not working.

Whine: I honestly can't think of much an anti-whine. I am thankful for my kitty though (she lubs sick people) and I'm sending good kitty vibes to margalit.

Late Breaking Anti-Whine: Hubby just reminded me that I haven't barked yet. Last date of bark in our house still stands at Feb 25/10. Yay!

Days said...

Snottage! Such a perfect descriptor! So sorry to hear it`s attacked you, Sue.

I also humbly request the Pixies` assistance in settling a disagreement between my spouse and I. If you have been taking care of a neighbour`s prized rose garden while she has a hip replacement, is it appropriate or inappropriate to take the last roses of the season to her so that she might enjoy them while she convalesces?

kathy a. said...

definitely take the roses to her. she must miss them.

esperanza said...

I say take them to her.

And I say I'm impressed you have taken on such a task. Unless someone had a death wish for her roses, she would not ask me for such a thing!

Sarah at ratatat said...

Esperanza - what hard whines this week. Sending chocolate.

Flutterbye - so sorry. Strength for the coming weeks.

Liz - glad you were there for the sanity and not fear. Crowds that size scare me, even if for awesome purposes.

Margalit - good luck apartment hunting.

KathyA - I hate when I don't like the clothing I have - say for any slightly different situation. Good luck.

Days - junk food satisfies some special part of our souls. Good luck. And bring the roses in, I think.

Sue - get well soon. No barking, I hope.

Whine: feeling overwhelmed at home and underwhelmed at work and not feeling the confidence that it will all work out. Just a fleeting dark mood, I hope.

kathy a. said...

sue, hope the snottage disappears, and you get some actual time off!

sarah -- urk. you should win something for the over/underwhelmedness, which hope will soon pass.

Flutterbye said...

Thanks, Magical Pixie with the Disappearing Wand. Now I'm going to go bury my head under some blankets and try to get some sleep. I have not been getting much of that lately.

I will say that we are buried in meetings and appointments this week related to the spousal issues, and I'm nervous about some of them. That's basically the summary of the posts that were removed, with less overdoing of the details.

Liz Miller said...

This report is coming to you live from the fabulous HospitalInMyCounty where I was escorted last night by a handsome EMT after I was in a car accident.

Outcome: cut my head on seatbelt attachment, concussion. Otherwise fine, due to wearing of said belt.

Major AW: son is totally unhurt. Other car's folks are fine too

Madeleine said...

Liz! Glad to hear you are mostly OK. But oh dear, what a frightening experience. Rest well.

kathy a. said...

oh, liz! yes, get some rest and heal up soon.

kathy a. said...

liz, i just re-read and -- they kept you overnight?????!!! oh, friend. xoxox

i'll second the PSA about seat belts. also bike helmets, for those of the 2 wheel persuasion.

Days said...

Oh, ((liz.)) Glad to hear that you are okay and that your son is fine.

esperanza said...

Ack! I left a comment for Liz this morning and it disappeared.

It said what everybody else is saying. So glad you are ok, and that everyone else is too. Also glad that you kept your wits enough to notice that the EMT was handsome!

Flutterbye said...

Liz!!! I'm so glad you aren't seriously hurt. I hope you heal up quickly and there are no long-lasting effects from the concussion.

And also sending hugs and prayer for comfort to the family that lost the baby.

Flutterbye said...

Margalit, comfortable bed and being out of the house-falling-down-around-your-ears is good. Crossing fingers for a cheap but quality rental.

kathy a. said...

did you ever step in some pet product and not realize it for a while, like until you started wondering about teh smell, and finally took a look at your shoes? /faint/

AW: i finally tossed those old favorite shoes that were kind of disintegrating anyway.

Sarah at ratatat said...

Oh no Kathy!

And Liz - so glad you are OK.

Madeleine said...

kathy, that is my worst nightmare. I think every time I pass pet product on the sidewalk I am reminded of that time in second grade . . .

By the way, we are probably getting a dog next summer. My Love is guilt tripping me over SG's need for a companion of some sort before she becomes an isolated moody teenager.

Bring on the pet products!

Flutterbye said...

First meeting (and the one I was most anxious about) done with. It went very well, I think. I'm exhausted, but I feel heard, validated and cared for. And spouse is stepping up and taking responsibility for his own pet product. :)

Sue said...

Oh Liz! I hope your recovery is quick and complete!

Days, definitely take the roses. I'm with esperanza. If she had asked me, I would be delivering dead things in a vase.

Still with the snottage, but no barks to report. Thank you gravol. As for time off - if sleep 22 hours a day is considered time off, then I'm workin' it pretty well. Otherwise, not so much. I wonder if I can talk the HR folks at the church into calling this a sick week and giving me another study week.... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........

esperanza said...

Flutterbye, that all sounds like good progress. And I'm snickering about the use of "pet product" hee hee.

Sue, I'd say it's worth a try with the HR folks. You're not getting any work done, and you're definitely sick. Unfair.

Miranda said...

I am not happy with the election results.

kathy a. said...

our polling places won't even close for a half hour. but i'll nominate miranda for the first spot on the "this isn't right" election result podium.

Flutterbye said...

There was one race where I knew and personally liked both parties running, and it was one of the harder ones to decide how to vote on for me. The one I decided to vote for, someone I've known since gradeschool, is winning.

Oh, and another thing about the meeting today. I actually got an apology from the individual (other than spouse) I was worried about possibly needing to confront, without having to do any real confronting. Yay.

Flutterbye said...

And another vote for taking the roses, Esperanza. Definitely. But I would check with the staff first to make sure there are no allergy issues or other medical reasons not to bring them.

Me, I enjoy roses outside, but establishing a large fragrant bouquet of them in a small enclosed room with me would be a recipe for an instant migraine, complete with barking (or is it pooking? I always forget which is which).

Madeleine said...

FB, I'm so glad to hear your meeting went well. And it is heartening to know that the authority figure apologized! I hope you feel all the support around you.

esperanza said...

I am apparently the pixie dictionary authority. I believe you mean "barking."

I am not the roses authority, however. Days can keep them alive long enough to even need to ask the question.

kathy a. said...

my goodness, but it's quiet in here today. passing the cheese, whine, and crackers.

it seems safe to guess that there are a lot of national post-election blahs. in these circumstances, i think: what would molly do? i miss molly ivins; she was a truly original, funny, deeply caring, seen-that voice, and she'd be telling us to dust off and laugh at the funny parts, because there is more work to do.

kathy a. said...

also, i consider "pet products" to differ from "pook" in that pet products are more outdoorsy. for what that's worth to the lexicon.

Liz Miller said...

I would have been here more today, but was distracted by bright shiny objects of the entire archive of a webcomic. And washing the blood out of my hair.

Car is totalled. Totally totalled.

I will not be buying another minivan, due to small family size, but I can heartily recommend the Kia Sedona. MM was seated right behind me, wearing his belt, and was not hurt AT ALL. My only injury (aside from a couple of bruises), was from where my head hit the place where the seat belt attaches to the side of the car.

Also, I'm 4'11" and my husband is 5'10" and we could both drive it comfortably.

So. Kia Sedona.

Sarah at ratatat said...

Bummed today. And whiny - I get that my Dem friends are sad and my Repub. friends are happy (way happy - my whole state turned red) but I am annoyed by a Rep. friend on FB who "doesn't understand the anger." Of course there is anger. Don't act like I shouldn't care. We should all care enough to be happy or sad when it's over. Argh!

Flutterbye said...

Liz, I'm so very thankful that you and MM are both OK. So glad. What would we do without you???

Madeleine said...

Fireplacing fireplacing fireplace.

Just spent two and a half hours on an incredibly tedious and annoying work project, only to learn that I did it on the old, no-longer-in-use server and I should have done it on the new server and now I have to re-do it all. There's a bit of cut and paste, but I still have to re-do a lot of manual bits. URGH. I was so relieved to be making progress through the tedium.

Now I need to summon the energy to jump back into it. Music. I need to put on some music. (I already ate a pile of dark chocolate M&Ms getting myself ready for the first round, not sure I can take any more sugar now.)

Madeleine said...

And all of this on hotel internet, and if you travel much You Know What I Mean.

Madeleine said...

Ha ha ha ha, Edie Brickell wants to know if I had a bad day, and do I want to talk about it? Sometimes iTunes really is genius.

Madeleine said...

And now Alicia Keys wants to know who is going to rescue us from ourselves. When we gonna wake up? All that's left is tears and pain. OK, a bit dramatic for a work flub.

Flutterbye said...


kathy a. said...

(((( liz ))))) you got me at "washing the blood out of my hair," which is a prize-worthy W/AW in a way none of us wants.

nominate sarah to the distressed voter's podium.

and madeleine definitely needs a prize for dealing with a project on the hotel internet of doom, then needing to do it over. glad there is at least a sound track?

i've been trying to track one particular un-final race in my state, and for some reason the world series champion parade knocked the "election results" totally off the online site, unless you can find out the secret password. url. whatever.

Sue said...

Liz - so glad you and MM are okay and the blood is out of your hair. Ick.

I bought a Kia Rondo two years ago. I like the safety features. The Rondo is a smaller version of the Sedona (seats 5, as opposed to 7) so it's perfect for hubby, myself and the wheelchair in the hatchback.


Sorry for everyone with election day whineage.

Still stuffed up here, though the snottage is beginning to drain more every day. Yes, it's very delightful, as you can well imagine.

Days said...

Ick. Liz's blood in hair whine is definitely prize-worthy.

And the hotel internet situation, as well. Always.

Roses successfully delivered and much appreciated, along with dinner. We had a lovely visit, accompanied by my middle daughter, who insisted on coming with me, and wearing her Hallowe'en costume, which surprised and delighted our friend. Promised to return next week with a different offspring.

esperanza said...

Hm. Over on Internet Explorer, I can't post a comment. Here on Firefox, no problem. (Thanks to whoever suggested the double browser solution to my online identity crisis, by the way).

Sorry to have been an absent hostess. We've had special ed meetings, insurance fights, physical therapy appointment making, emergency calls to doctor (thought Mini was allergic to the penicillin, but it's some other kind of rash), after school program, etc here today. Plus computer wonky.

Keep the whines coming. I'll get to the awards tomorrow night, probably.

kathy a. said...

yay for roses and costumes!

oy, esperanza. what a day. week.

sending sudafed, afrin, and tissues to sue. and chocolate, of course. everybody have some!

you know i love my daughter, right? she just announced 4 weeks at home over winter break. Four.Weeks.No.Job. she just really needs to get a job, any job, for more reasons than my limited tolerance for adults who come home to spend a few weeks staying up all night on the computer.

passing the crackers, cheese, hummus.

Liz Miller said...

Insurance company is giving us more than we expected for the Kia. Over $4000. My mom is chipping in $5000.

So, we can afford to get another car. I am so fireplacing grateful. Have been sobbing about it, actually.

Liz Miller said...

(((Esperanza))) (((Madeleine)))

Liz Miller said...


Also, the state's board of elections website.

amy said...

It's been a good news/bad news kind of day.

First, my husband decided to get our non-functioning driver's side window in our van fixed, which hasn't worked in over a year, and we just got it back. Yay. But, he took the stroller I needed with him to work today. But that's okay! I had the double! So, I loaded it into the van, and when I got where I needed to go, the back hatch on the van will not open. WTH? Unfortunately, the now functioning driver's side window is not large enough to squeeze a double jogging stroller through. End result? Not only did I have to wrangle a paper bag and yarn craft with my daughter's first grade class, I also had to chase my 2 year old through the room because I had no way to tether him to anything.

Then, I got a call for an interview. This from the application I turned in over a month ago. Except that the interview is tomorrow before my class at 3. Fortunately, I was able to pick up a sweater to wear since I'm unable to get my suit pressed in time. Oy. Oh, and I've spent all day trying to prep for my class, leaving me almost zero time to prep for the interview. Good thing I'm going into this with a slightly apathetic attitude. (This is a defense mechanism so I don't panic, btw.) Did I mention the interview is supposed to last an hour and a half?

Sarah R said...

Oh Amy. Good luck and you'll look fine.

Liz - so glad the car buying is going to work out.

Esperanza - what a week. That's crazy crazy.

KathyA - temp agency?

And thank you Pixies for all of the crossed appendages - I got a call to interview. Keep them crossed, please :)

kathy a. said...

amy for the "if it's not one thing, it's another" award.

and i think a what the heck, let's give it a try attitude is actually OK in an interview where the alternative is OMG OMG. darned if it hasn't worked for me more than once.

kathy a. said...

crossed fingers and toes, sarah!

Flutterbye said...

Liz, with the insurance company are they giving you blue-book value for selling the car, or for buying it? I've had success with arguing that they needed to give me blue-book value for what I would pay for that vehicle in that condition on a used-car lot, not what I would get as a trade-in value. Because the purpose of comprehensive insurance is to be able to replace the vehicle if something happens to it (and we wouldn't have been trading it in and buying a new vehicle if it hadn't gotten totaled). Glad you're getting more than you expected, in any case, and that you're getting help to buy another vehicle.

Flutterbye said...

Wow, Amy! I nominate you for the emotional whiplash award.

And Kathy, you made me giggle out loud with your "adult up all night on the computer" comment--speaking of which, I'd better go to bed. Urgent reason I stayed up is taken care of now.

JenR said...

Madeline - been there, done that. Ugh.

Not much to say for me this week. I am scared and nervous - it is 6 months since a certain incident, and so comes a round of tests for a scary disease.

amy said...

I forgot to say that I started my period yesterday, too.

Madeleine said...

JenR, that is rough. Good luck staying sane while you wait.

kathy a. said...

((( jenr )))

Sue said...


Sending good interview vibes to Amy and Sarah. You will both be magnificent, of course. I hope your interviewers can see your fabulousness.

Wah: It's Thursday and I am still experiencing utter crappityness - now with a bonus cough.

Whine: Discovered at 2:00 am that my hot water bottle has a leak. My back and shoulders (and legs, and toes, and hair follicles) have been so achy all week - I dragged out the hot water bottle with the polar fleece cover. I woke up feeling wet and cold. Bleh. I haven't changed sheets in the middle of the night since the Great Bark Incident of Feb 25, 2010.

I guess I shouldn't have let the cat do "pushy paws" on the hot water bottle, eh? I may need to file that under "Bad Ideas".

kathy a. said...

sue, i can recommend something called a "bed buddy," which heats in the microwave. and doesn't leak with cat love.

JenR said...

Easy no leaving home bed buddy...
Put dry (uncooked) rice in a clean sock. Tie it shut with a pony tail holder or a rubber band (or if you're feeling crafty, sew it). Microwave for 1-2 minutes.

JenR said...

Late-breaking anti whine: test was negative.

kathy a. said...

woot, jenr!

Madeleine said...

Sigh of relief for JenR!

Liz Miller said...


kathy a. said...

I think the historical top # of comments here was 82, in July 2007. And this thread has gone past that.

Therefore, I nominate Esperanza for a special Hostess With the Mostest Award, which she can't give herself, but the moderators have moderate super-powers.

kathy a. said...

Whoops, Madeleine's halloween post last year got 92. But still. They are both fabulous.

Flutterbye said...

JenR, yay!

Days said...

Yay, JenR!

And best of luck to the pixies with upcoming interviews.

Miranda said...

W: I have to buy a new car.

AW: The internet makes this easier.

Good luck at your interview tomorrow, Amy!!

Lots of love and (hard, if you prefer) lemonade to all the Pixies.

Madeleine said...

W: At the airport, as usual.

W: My first flight was 20 min late

AW: My second flight looked like it was 30 min late

W: Except I had to switch terminals and the shuttle wasn't coming and I was in a panic

AW: My Love called to tell me my second flight was an HOUR and a half late. Darn that 24 hour time. Phew, panic abated.

W: My flight is really, really late. The plane is coming from my home town, just leaving there now, then will get us and turn around and go home.

AW: I should get home tonight.