
Thursday, July 15, 2010


The competition is tough this week -- so many stylish whines. Thank you all for playing along, or for chiming right in with your non-poemy rhymes as you saw fit.

Starting Us Off With Style Award to kathy a., dooby-doo down down.

Old Skool Style Award to Sarah, for the disappointing much-anticipated TV show.

Old Skool Straight Up Award to Emily for the "single use" razors.

Go South, My Pastor Awards to both Sue (Minnesota Miracle!) and the directionally-challenged esperanza.

Style Award, Gourmet Edition to liz and her amazing brioche! (I'd love to get the recipe. We've had mixed success chez moi.)

Dwarves of the Week Award also goes to liz, since no one else topped five this week.

The cluestick posse is worn out from hiking up and down hills in the rain and trekking through airports. I have faith that Liz's boss will still need cluesticking next week when the posse gets its energy back.

Love and hugs to all pixies facing fireplacing cancer at various degrees of separation.


esperanza said...

Lovely awards, Madeleine.

And to whoever knows about these things, if a non-blogging dunce can be a host, I'd be happy to pitch in every once in a while. I would require some tutoring.

esperanza said...

oh, you can email me at texasesperanza AT hotmail DOT com to discuss.

kathy a. said...

thank you! lovely ceremony, madeleine!

the host can't prize herself, but running "about 60% on the tramp-o-meter" is one of the best things i read all week.

Madeleine said...

Thanks, kathy a.

Sue said...

Great awards Madeleine!! And I agree - the tramp-0-meter is brilliant!