I'm sure you're all on tenterhooks waiting for the next FlyWatch Update. I’m happy to say there have been no further sightings. Phew. The remaining question is "What the fireplace?" but we'll move on regardless.
Great Big Happy Dance from all the pixies for Esperanza, who has a bundle of cells that will someday be a bundle of joy and is henceforth excused from a bundle of moving chores. Sit down, sweetheart. Rest yourself.
ICK! Award to Elizabeth, for her tick story which makes my flies seem like household pets. Ticks. Ugh.
The Coordinator's Purple Cross goes to kathy a., for meritorious service in the name of a happy family wedding.
The pixie baseball team has far too many players on the injured list this week. We wish speedy recovery to Uccellina's back (ouch!), Neighbor Lady and her sweet little boy, Sarah's friend's daughter, and Elizabeth's son's major bunkbed bruise.
Extreme Parenting Awards to Sarah, whose daughter is awake and worrying, Elizabeth, whose son hates her with the passion of a speck of shrimp, and Sara, whose son really doesn't need the Countdown To Change routine of the last month of school.
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back Award to Can't Tell, our more-anonymous-than-usual pixie. Adjusting to a diagnosis for your child isn't easy. I hope that over time, it will give you a framework that helps you find good answers for your daughter. In the meantime, the pixies send hugs and we're always here to listen. Well, once a week, anyway.
Make It Stop Award to Sue, for both the return of Teh Headache, and a weekend church conference so miserable she was thinking "Please, someone stick pins in my eyes just to make this day interesting." Wow. That's a bad meeting, alright. Also, much love to Sue and our condolences on the death of your friend.
Two Degrees of Grief Award to Amy, who is coping with grief and loss at a slight remove, but feeling it strongly nonetheless. And, ahem, Happy Birthday to you! Yes, that feels as awkward to type as it is to read. But I hope that once you settle in, 36 won't feel so bad. Hey, it's a perfect square! Cut a pan of brownies into 6 x 6 and eat them all, and think of us.
The cluestick posse is on the way to Liz's workplace, to knock some sense into everyone who admired her bacterially-induced weight loss. The posse will drop off peanut M&Ms as they pass your desk, Liz. Nutritious and delicious!
That's all for now from FlyWatch Headquarters. Keep your fly swatter handy and meet me here next week, when kathy a. will host!