The Thanks of a Grateful Pixie Nation to Miranda, who posted the best holiday music video, and to Yankee Transferred, who shared the most delicious recipe for coffee cake!
Many hugs to Camera Obscura, whose mom just got out of the hospital (but the nasty cold making rounds at CO's house may prevent a visit), and to Sara, whose uncle is very ill with cancer. Thinking of you and your families.
Ouchy Ooochy OUCH Awards to KLee, who suffered an unfortunate ankle injury accidentally inflicted by her husband while white-water shopping at El Diablo WalMarto, and to her beloved, JF, who also accidentally inflicted chemical burns upon the delicate underarm region of his anatomy.
Style Kudos to That Mommy, for a Christmas cookie recipe guaranteed to take the edge off of any holiday tensions! This is probably a total coincidence, but That Mommy also wins the coveted Gritted Teeth Award, for her grandparents ("a blip on our Jewish family tree") backed up a truck and offloaded a large amount of consumer Christmas.
Miracle of the Season Awards to Miranda, who not only survived the semester, but whose Mom went all-out to make Miranda's half-sister feel welcome at the celebration; and to Margalit, whose kids are doing better! Yay!
Thanks for playing this week! The brigadoon will return next week, hosted by the fabulous Sheila. A safe and happy 2008 to all!