
Friday, September 4, 2009

Awards! My county's school board is a buncha cowards edition

First, to Sue, for her obituary search, this video:

Elevated Risk of Mullet goes to Esperanza for
Whine? Antiwhine? My boobs and my tummy are having a race to see which will stick out the farthest. I believe that tummy has edged out a victory just this week, but perhaps boobs are unfairly held back by a too-small bra.

Also sending hugs and a copy of this book to keep that second shoe from dropping.

Kathy A. Remembers What It's All About with the boobal squashing. I'm glad you got a clean bill of health and also wonder where the priorities lie at the hospital. Sistine Chapel beauty aside, how many free or low-cost mammograms could have been given for the cost of the decor?

Sue wins for Style. Said that is all that needs to be.

Madeleine brought the Bodily Fluids this week. Cross-stitch your new motto on a sampler and hang it on the wall of your kitchen.

Sending out the Cluestick Posse to whale on KLee's daughter's school staff. Sincerely.

Hugs to those dealing with angry drivers, irritating menfolk, SFBMs, forgotten meds, and all other issues.


kathy a. said...

ooooh, great clip! and wonderful awards, liz, thank you!

Madeleine said...

Thanks for the song!

I'm not so sure about cross stitch. Does it require pointy needles?

Sue said...

Thanks Liz - I love the video! I needed that today.

Madeleine - funny, but I had the same thought. Sharp things required, not so good.... :)

See y'all next week!

kathy a. said...

metal gloves, madeleine!

or, you could always use fabric paint and fake it.

esperanza said...

Hey, thanks! I didn't know I could get a mullet for a whole paragraph. I should report that the tummy is most definitely winning, and I actually look pregnant.

And the book should prove most helpful, thank you for your research on my behalf!