
Monday, March 2, 2009

Rainy Days, Stormy Weather

It's raining here [which is good in terms of drought avoidance, but otherwise soggy], and I hear tell of snowball fights from Georgia to points considerably northward. Snow! In March! In tropical parts of the nation, even! So, the Whiner's Ball is open for business a little early this week.

My Beloved visited daughter at college this weekend. They studied, worked on study skills, AND had fun -- big antiwhine! He was able to miss the latest series of whatever with his sister, who is always a whine. Meanwhile, I'm finally finally lining up contacts, advice, support, resources to get a fireplacing plan in place about SIL, one that doesn't burn on the fuel of our sanity. Please cross fingers!

I got squeezed in [HA!] for my boobal followup on Saturday, was pronounced good to go, but told to come back in 6 months to "keep an eye" on some tiny cysts. Sigh of relief, but 6 months? No Fair.

What's the news with youse?


Liz Miller said...

I've got a bad case of the IDon'tWannas. I don't wanna pack anymore. I don't wanna do the laundry. I don't wanna go back outside to rescue the shovel. I don't wanna unload the dishwasher. Did I mention that I don't wanna pack anymore?

I Don't Wanna. And you can't make me.

But, unfortunately, I can make me. Sigh.

kathy a. said...

Liz, it's times like these that call for the most useful item ever [besides possibly duct tape; it depends on the situation]. Yes, big black garbage bags. I admit, they aren't perfect for whatever is in the dishwasher, but by this point in a move one starts thinking things like, "Who needs dishes, anyway?"

esperanza said...

I do not envy the moving, Liz. I fear it is in my near future, but choose to live in a strange dread and denial combination.

My whine? Me and ovulation prediction, in any of its many forms, just do not get along. Crazy making.

Anitwhine? The Sweet Baboo learned to boogie. So. Cute. Poor thing doesn't have any rhythm, but there weren't a whole lot of rhythm genes to work with there.

Elizabeth said...

Whine: I seem to have fallen off the diet wagon.

Anti-whine: Took advantage of the snow to not leave home for two days. (Did go outside to shovel and play, but didn't go anywhere.)

kathy a. said...

elizabeth, the diet wagon just doesn't work for me. snow play and Boogie Woogie Baboo -- that works!

Miranda said...

Whines, I gots them but today's anti-whine eclipses them all....


In the month of February, I was in the office a grand total of 8 days. My kids barely remember me. I can barely remember my home routines.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm taking up the "I don't wanna" chant too.

I don't wanna have a cold, but I do. A drippy nose, stuffed up, headache, coughing, sneezing, and snorting cold where I have tissues stuffed up my nose and q-tips permanently installed in my ears. Ears that are so itchy I can barely function.

I don't wanna have to yell about getting the kitchen cleaned up anymore. But I do. Because if I don't, than NOTHING gets done. With yelling, it partially gets cleaned up.

I don't wanna live with fruit flies, but I cannot get rid of them.

I don't wanna spend time going to the doctors where she's just going to bitch at me because I ate one frigging pickle spear, but I have to. And I don't wanna.

I don't wanna deal with my kid's health insurance which has once again screwed up royally, leaving them without insurance for no reason except the people that work for Mass Health have a combined IQ of 87, tops.

I don't wanna see any more snow until next year. And next year I don't wanna see it from this house's windows because I DO wanna get the hell out of dodge. Soon.

But I don't wanna move without help.

I don't wanna clean up any more cat pee in my dining room. Ahem. But despite three CLEAN litter boxes for two cats, a certain large and very annoying cat seems to like to pee in this one spot despite all sorts of chemicals to keep him away.

I don't wanna cook every freaking night. I don't wanna cook or eat chicken. I do wanna cook to do it for me.

And I wanna say G'night!

Liz Miller said...

elizabeth, honey, it's time for you to start reading Shapely Prose. Seriously. Diets don't work. They don't. Sending hugs.

Sue said...

Two words: Breakfast meeting.

I rest my whiny case. (I thought we weren't going to be having any more these insane meetings, but alas, I was wrong.)

Elizabeth said...

Except for the people who they do work for.

And I'm not trying to radically change my weight, I just want to be at the lower end of my natural spectrum rather than at the upper end.

JenR said...

My whine is day care... and teachers who called me to pick up my son today "because he's not happy". He apparently whined/cried off and on for an hour and a half and they couldn't comfort him, so they sent him home. Instead of maybe putting him down for a nap or taking him for a walk to distract him. For the record - he fell asleep after about 2 seconds in his car seat and has been happily (joyfully!) playing with Grandma all day.

Anonymous said...

Fell on ice. Kaboom. Measured my length. Arms pushing up kept me from smashing my face (picture yoga cobra pose).
W: neck/shoulder pain, basically whiplash. ow ow ow.
AW: mild whiplash. Didn't break or sprain wrists or ankles, didn't injure low back, didn't break nose. My chiro is great, made it much better than before he worked on it.
w: busy week coming w/purimspiel this Monday, last rehearsal this Sunday (I'm co-director and am in it a lot). am resting and icing today (and yesterday) but will find that hard rest of week.
Also (New School Whine) I made it my facebook status but no one said oh that's too bad how are you - isn't that what fb's good for? (note, this part is a teensy tiny whine, not really a real one)

back to ice, reclining chair, and jon stewart now.

Anonymous said...

yargh, just found out major meeting w/client tomorrow afternoon re my brief. ok then, guess it won't be a short day as I had planned. neck brace at the ready.

Liz Miller said...

Oy vey, Genevieve! I'm sorry about your fall.

kathy a. said...

oh, margalit, sue, elizabeth, jenr, and genevieve!

about the new school whine: i've been told that it just is not done on FB to whine. at least not about anything personal or important. phooey.

esperanza said...

Humph, kathy a. I didn't get that fb memo. My friends must be whine-tolerant. (I guess that's why they're willing to be my friends, huh?!)

esperanza said...
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esperanza said...
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esperanza said...

Sheesh. Those deleted ones were duplicates from me. Now I am whining at...blogger? my computer? my internet connection? Someone.

Sue said...

second whine of the day: My stooopidity. I might have whined about this last week, but I don't remember, that's how stooopid I am.

Le sigh.

I'm going on this really excellent retreat to hear a fantastic speaker who teaches Hebrew theology from a feminist perspective. Sounds good, yes? She teaches at one of the big fancy schmancy colleges and has just released a new book, which I am naturally inclined to read before I go on the retreat (in April).

The problem. I'm half way through and I don't understand a fireplacing word of it. She's writing about eighteen miles over my teeeny weeeny brain. I'm not smart enough to attend this thing.

At least there's a pool and a hot tub. Crap. I know it's been ten years since I graduated, but how can a person lose ALL of her knowledge of Hebrew in ten years???? It's just gone. Like I never learned it (and I did once). Yikes. I have a feeling that I need to prepare to be embarrassed. Or in the hot tub when the hard questions are asked.

kathy a. said...

esperanza, i heard that about FB from my daughter's best friend, with daughter singing chorus. but i find my self constrained, just because i don't particularly want to whine certain whines to this mixed group who ended up being friends.

still, i think genevieve's FB friends are not doing the "friend" thing. falling down is a full-out legitimate report, and people ought to respond, dammit!

((( genevieve )))

Liz Miller said...

MM has a headache so bad he didn't want to eat his dinner (mac & cheese w/ hotdogs.) He didn't even want to drink Sprite! I popped him into bed and called my insurance's nurse line to find out if I could give him adult ibuprophin since we're out of the children's stuff and by the time I got off the phone 10 minutes later, he fell asleep.

No fever, but I think we're in for a dr's appointment tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I think I am depressed, but I don't want to say anything about it to my husband because he's getting ready to leave next week for training, and it will worry him and/or make him feel unnecessarily guilty.

Also, in unrelated news, there is a spider in my kitchen.

I think Sue hit it on the head when she said, "Le sigh."

esperanza said...

kathy, I didn't mean to imply that I whine at FB like I do at WW...oh no, I whine in much milder form, on highly selected subjects. I mean, my dad and my brother are my "friends," along with lots of work-related people. I have to censor there. That's why I'm so thankful for Wednesdays!

Liz, I hope MM has some sort of moving sickness and is well by morning.


Liz Miller said...


May I recommend fish oils and a sun box? Also, some dark chocolate and a massage.

kathy a. said...

amy -- i recommend channelling that old warner bros. cartoon where elmer fudd is singing "kiww da wabbit" to an operatic tune, and change the subject to "spider," and have your husband perform the drama of spider elimination while singing. [that would make me laugh, anyway.] liz's suggestions are more practical. xoxo

liz, i hope poor MM is feeling better. a headache that bad is no good.

kathy a. said...

sue, maybe the material will be less dense and more accessible in person? i don't think you should be kicking yourself for not retaining the hebrew you studied more than a decade ago, especially not while i'm in awe that you did that in the first place.

Sue said...

((((Amy)))) Be good to yourself. Kill the spider. In that order.

Thanks kathy a. - I'm just time-traveling to all those times when my report card had B and C written on it and my three sisters all had straight A's. I really dislike feeling like I'm as dumb as a bag of hammers, even though I know now that I'm not. I was in my 30s before I figured that one out, but that's a whine for another day.

Liz, I hope MM feels better by morning. Has he ever had migraines before?

Anonymous said...

Sue, is the problem spoken or written Hebrew? Is it just liturgical Hebrew or conversational. They all are different, but Hebrew is SUCH an easy language to learn. It has both a limited vocabulary and an absence of vowels (if you learn to read it in Israel, you don't learn the vowels until you start liturgical lessons for b'nai mitzvah.)

Some suggestions. If you're talking liturgical Hebrew, every synagogue has an ongoing Hebrew learning class for people who want to participate in the service. It's usually free, so call the shuls in your area (if there are any, I can't remember if you've ever mentioned exactly where you reside) and see if you can get some help.

If this is a woman's conference, there should be a lot of early learners along with some really in-depth speakers and readers of Hebrew. One of the interesting things about Judaism is that so many people are returning to it, people who really had no training as children. So you get people studying to be Rabbi's who have converted, or have been raised secularly.

Anyhow, if I can be of any help, just ask. Ani medaberit ivrit, you know!

Sue said...

Thanks Margalit. I'm pretty sure that what we were taught in seminary is liturgical Hebrew, and we definitely learned it on paper, as opposed to any kind of conversational version.

Unfortunately, our (one) local synagogue has no rabbi at the moment. They have someone who comes in from Winnipeg once a month, otherwise the congregation looks after itself. I could ask around and see who might be able to do a quick refresher with me.

Now - off to work!

Liz Miller said...

MM was all better this morning. After having a lie-in, he was back to being his usual bouncy self. YAY!

Thanks for being here and being so supportive.

And Sue, he's never had a migraine before, and he didn't complain of light bothering him, or see halos. He complained that his headache was right in the front of his forehead, so I think it may have been sinuses.

I had a humidifier going in the bedroom all night, just in case.

Sue said...

I'm so glad that MM is feeling better Liz! Also glad that there weren't any migraine symptoms.

Anonymous said...

thanks for all the kind thoughts and the encouraging ideas for how to deal with the spider. unfortunately, she was too high up ("nya nya nya!") and now she is in hiding. she was also quite big, and i've got a size limit on killing spiders. once they get to a certain size, i'm no longer capable of killing them. in those cases, i usually have my husband evict them to the garden (he does it Bare! Handed! OMG!), but she was gone by the time he got home. oh well.

i am planning to get myself some omega-3s, hopefully tomorrow, but i've been putting it off because merely the thought of fish oil burps nauseates me.

Anonymous said...

very glad mm headache all better!
Amy, many hugs. also, is exercise a possibility? My doc told me it's nearly as effective as anti-depressants, and I've found that to be true for me. Funny, when I can't get motivated to exercise for weight-loss, I can get motivated for mood elevation.