
Monday, December 18, 2017

Struggling to feel festive edition

One week until Christmas. In the next week, we have: two preschool Christmas parties (one for the Tuesday/Thursday group, and one for the extra Friday class), two performances of the elementary school Christmas musical (the preschoolers are the opening act), Mr. Q's birthday on Thursday, the high school Christmas banquet (which he is helping run) also on Thursday, high school grades also due on Thursday, a pancake breakfast on Friday (which involves high school teachers getting up at 6am to make said pancakes), and a family party here on Saturday (it's Little Christmas Eve, the day when we eat Norwegian food). And then it's Christmas.

Also, I have a child who spiked a high fever last night (but at least it's low grade this morning, and the awful chest cough is moving into sinus congestion), and I have the remnants of concussion symptoms, which have significantly hampered my progress in getting ready for Christmas. I have a stack of presents in open boxes under the tree (and keep forgetting to ask visiting family members not to look to closely at the unwrapped presents), and there isn't a scrap of wrapping paper in the house. I intended to do a bunch of Christmas baking, and am starting to realise that none of it may happen this year. I missed my one chance this year to sing carols. It's starting to look like we aren't going to get lights onto the house before the actual holiday, this year. We have E's actual present, but nothing to put into stockings, and at the slow rate of both of E and my recovery, I'm wondering what of any Christmas will happen at all.

But, in my bleary-headed state, I managed to write and address about six Christmas cards (to various loved ones who live far away), and I think they're mostly coherent. We have a Christmas tree up, and most of the major presents are here. (A couple more big ones still need to be purchased, but it's for the side of the family that isn't having a gift exchange until early January, thanks to scheduling conflicts. So, at least we can take advantage of Boxing Week sales for those ones.) And thank goodness we made no plans to travel this year.

How are you all doing? I imagine that the clergical pixies are feeling a similar level of ragged and unprepared (especially poor esperanza, who's been sick, and whose computer took a tumble off of a coffee table yesterday). I'll be popping in periodically through the week, but I may have to force myself to take some major screen time breaks, in the attempt to get my head back in order.


Queen of West Procrastination said...

After all that whining, I have one anti-whine: yesterday, Mr. Q was able to get to the kids' clothes store and find Christmas jammies for E. I was starting to worry that I'd left it too long (when I checked online, not many stores had any fleece footie sleepers left in her size), and so Mr. Q decided to put my mind at rest and go check the most likely place in person. And they had four different kinds (with various patterns) in her size, all on sale! And so we'll give her the pair that has penguins on Christmas Eve, and she'll get three other three pairs under the tree the next morning. (She loves fleece sleepers a lot, and she doesn't have any in size 5 yet.)

Also, I'm just going to operate under the assumption that E is missing school tomorrow (dang it), which means I don't have to make a snack for that party. And then I'll hope she's well enough for the Wednesday musical, which is the bigger deal.

Sue said...

Oh QWP, what a whine-worthy week for you to be hosting. I hope all of the Q household is feeling better soon so you can enjoy the season with less fever, cough, and general ickyness. xoxo

W: This clergical pixie :) is feeling massively overwhelmed. The floor of the senior residence my MIL is on has limited visitors because of a flu bug going around the ward. MIL is still okay, thankfully. FIL is finding it very difficult to stay at home.

My father and step arrive today. I won't be able to see him until Friday.

Prep for the weekend is a far-off dream at the moment. The Christmas Eve service doesn't change a whole lot year to year (traditions, right?) but I do need to write a sermon. After 20 years of Christmas Eve sermons, I'm feeling a bit dry. The big celebration days can be the toughest ones to write.

Otherwise, it's just a gazillion errands.

kathy a. said...

Yay for footies! Hope everybody is feeling better.

Sue, hoping some inspiration rolls in. Fingers crossed on the whole thing with the stepmother. And hope your MIL continues to be germ-free.

Need to do a major grocery run this morning. I'm sure there will be loose ends later in the week, but things need re-stocking, and I'm hoping to lay in some of the holiday food.

Daughter comes home this afternoon!

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Oh, Sue. I know the stress of the nursing home ward shutting down visitors because of the flu. Hopefully it clears quickly, and the patients get through it safely, well before Christmas.

Kathy, hooray for daughter coming home today!

kathy a. said...

Big Sigh. I have pretty much lost the battle to persuade Junior Cat to stop clawing our relatively new (2-3 years) cozy armchair, the one that matches the sofa. Sometime, I'll need to find a good sturdy teflon slipcover, but for now we are counting on pet-friendly guests not being judgmental. (This is why we can't have nice things, part 968.)

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Oh no! Poor cozy armchair. I hope you can find a good slipcover for it.

W: E is officially staying home tomorrow. We'll now see about the musical on Wednesday, but it's doubtful. The poor kid; she's been looking forward to this week for months. I talked to my friend, whose twins were the vector of this illness, and she warns me not to push E too hard this week (the second one to get sick seemed to recover quickly, and then got way worse after an afternoon of playing outside). There is a really funky sickness making the rounds of E's little circle of friends, resulting in all kinds of chest infections and other nastiness.
Also W: I'm starting to cough a bit, and my sinuses are annoying me. The combination of sinus pressure and concussion headache is something else.

kathy a. said...

QWP -- you have talked to your doctor, right? Because you should; not liking this continuing headache. And bleah about the bugs. xoxo

Daughter got home! Teh dog seems to like her! They all went hiking up the hill to see our town's holiday display!

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Welcome home, daughter!

Kathy, my head is mostly better (other than the occasional twinge, and it starts getting fuzzy if I start overdoing it), and I'm realising how much of my symptoms are now straight-up sickness. (Mostly, my throat hurts, and my sinuses, right now.) I'm still in the normal range in terms of recovery. (Mostly, I'm hesitant to take my contagious self to the doctor, knowing fully well that she'd tell me to go home and rest, and that I'm recovering well.)

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Oh goodness, E is so sick tonight. I'm becoming convinced that she has that flu that's been going around in spite of the flu shot, like my dad and I had a couple of years ago. Her horrible coughing reminds me of that. (If that's what it is, I've learned that they don't want us going to the doctor, or anywhere else, unless there's signs of a secondary infection, or unless it gets to the point where she needs to be hospitalized.)

It's hard seeing her this sick, especially because I'm only at partial capacity myself. Mr. Q has given himself some potential wiggle room, in case I need help (although tomorrow it would mean canceling a curling game, since he's the only coach available).

Anonymous said...

Feel better everyone!!!! Yikes!
Hope everyone takes it easy, at least a little, and that those needing sermon inspiration find it.
Yay for daughter coming home!
So much love to all of you!
-Neighbor Lady

Queen of West Procrastination said...

AW: E's temperature is normal third morning.
W: I'm blowing my nose and coughing. (And her cough is still really rough.)

Queen of West Procrastination said...

This morning, not third morning.

Sue said...

kathy, I totally understand the "we can't have nice things" situation. Friends will also understand. Have you tried double-sided tape? I hear that works to keep kitties from scratching. However, I do like the teflon slipcover idea! You could totally sell those.... Yay for daughter being home!!!

QWP, sorry about the ongoing ick in your house. I'm glad E's temp is down this morning, but I'm sorry to hear of the coughing and nose-blowing. :(

W: 'Tis the season to get very little sleep, apparently. *sigh* Just could not get my mind to settle last night. Now I'm working in a brain fog.

kathy a. said...

W: Mr. Big Truck neighbor once again parked in Mrs. Elderly Neighbor's spot in front of her house, again partly blocking her driveway. She comes back from the hospital around 11 p.m., and shouldn't have to fight for parking. Her son is fortunately here right now to hold the car door so it doesn't slam on her in the driveway, but Mr. Truck promised he wouldn't park there any more....

Sue said...

Cluestick Posse on the way for Mr. Big Truck. What is it with Big Trucks anyway??? We have a few gazillion of them in Our Town and they are consistently Arrogant drivers. Grr...

Queen of West Procrastination said...

So many cluesticks for Mr. Truck!! And now I'm also mad that he previously was so happy that everyone was so nice about asking him to move, that other time, because another neighbour wasn't so nice in the past. MAYBE YOU NEED TO STOP BLOCKING DRIVEWAYS ENTIRELY, AND NOT KEEP CAUSING PROBLEMS, BUDDY. CLEARLY YOU ARE THE PROBLEM HERE.

I, ahem, have some opinions about Truck Neighbour.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Also, I haven't left the house since Saturday night (and I think E last left the house on Thursday). We both might be a little bit cranky.

kathy a. said...

Don't know what the deal is with the truck guy. I really thought that situation was resolved for the Elderly family. The truck arrived late last night, so I didn't notice it until this morning. Maybe I'll get one of those orange traffic cones to put in the spot....

Queen of West Procrastination said...

How bad is the parking situation on your street? Around here, a vehicle blocking a driveway would get towed.

W: E's fever is back up, and her cough is terrible. I'm so tired.

kathy a. said...

Parking is bad -- end of a dead end street; Mr. Truck is at the top, and he has 2 big trucks plus several other vehicles. A neighbor across the street also has several vehicles, but they are more polite. I'm reluctant to call the police, because that means war. Will attempt putting out a trash can to deter parking there, and leave more room in front of my car (so there's more space across her driveway, if all else fails).

Sue said...

I vote in favour of the traffic cone, and if anyone asks about it, it could be the start of a good neighbourhood discussion about the importance of safety for the Elderlys. This could include a reminder that an ambulance may need to get into their driveway.

kathy a. said...

It wouldn't be the holidays if I didn't have self-inflicted injuries, right? Last weekend, I managed a nice bruise on my left hand -- pretty sure it involved wind and the car door while I picked up the bread for the reception. Now I'm growing a twin on the right hand; was trying to close the hatchback when a bag of groceries slipped, and my hand ended up in the way of the downward-headed hatch. I can probably manage the annual oven burn, too, while preparing the feast. Tis the season!

AW: Got the most important things needed for the feast, including some of the correct peppers for the chiles rellanos! And a nice roast, which will spend some quality time in the freezer due to the expiration date being before Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Remind Truck Neighbor that ambulances and fire trucks have been known to go THROUGH vehicles that get in their way, and that you thought you had an understanding and that you really don’t want to get unpleasant about it. But that you will if he doesn’t exhibit basic neighborly etiquette.

Liz on iPhone

Liz Miller said...

As Captain Awkward says, “you’re not the one who is making this awkward. Let him experience the awkward he’s bringing”

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Liz! That is all excellent advice.

AW: my wonderful/foolhardy sister is here, distracting and cheering up E. (E had a long, steamy shower, and is now hanging out in the bath tub, breathing in steam, while my sister draws pictures on a giant pad of paper and tells stories.)
W: the kid and I were both emotional wrecks at lunchtime. She was coughing so hard and crying, and I was near tears that I couldn't make it better, and that it was feeling like the it was getting worse.

Sue said...

Great advice, Liz!!!

((((QWP)))) I'm so glad your sister is there to help out.

kathy a. said...

The ambulances and fire trucks always park on the street. I am hoping this gets resolved for real; am hoping Mr. Truck's employee did this, not him. Meanwhile, until I see him, I'm getting passive aggressive and putting a trash barrel out there at the end of the Elderly driveway. Until the traffic cones arrive.

Yay, for the sister who is distracting!

Anonymous said...

QWP, I’m so sorry you and E both are feeling so terrible. Your sister is a hero.

Sweet started ADHD meds yesterday. She is soooo sleepy today. And a dentist visit went as horribly as I thought it would.

AW we have made it through two days of Christmas break relatively happily

Esperanza on the phone while my computer is at the hospital.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

I'm so sorry that the dentist visit went horribly, esperanza. But you got Sweet to take meds! What ended up working?

kathy a. said...

Yikes, sorry about the dental trauma. And, hope the new meds even out after a bit. xoxo

I'm hoping the trash can holds things for now, and to have another neighborly chat next time I spot Mr. Truck. The other car in front of the Elderly Neighbor house belongs to Mr. Truck's house, too. And the other giant truck parked across and a little down? It belongs to him, and apparently was *towed* to that spot over 2 weeks ago. (Nosy but nice neighbor on the other side of the Elderlies has been tracking that, and she's about had it up to here.)

So, ahem, fa la la la la, la la la la.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Does Mr. Truck operate his entire business out of his home? I know that real estate and rent are expensive, but dear goodness! It sounds like he needs an office and an entire parking lot. (And this would be so many zoning violations around here.)

kathy a. said...

I've never actually looked up his business. Think this is more of a neighborly behavior problem.

kathy a. said...

I'm really really sad that Mr. Neighbor is likely to die soon, and that the interim is -- really a period of suffering for him and for his devoted family. And I can't change or fix any of that. So I vent about the stupid truck neighbor, and hope things settle down for everybody.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

So many hugs, Kathy.

Anonymous said...

There was no particular gimmick, QWP. Just practicing with tic tacs. Once she was successful once, it was easy for her to know what she had done and duplicate it.

She is even sleepier today—already taking a nap. We are having a low key morning and heading to an amusement park this afternoon. It is for kids with disabilities, as well as regular kids, as accessible as possible. They are having holiday events, so we decided we would like to try it out. Mini is close to a nap herself, and I may join them.


kathy a. said...

All quiet on the parking front, last night.

Plan another grocery run today, plus washing holiday dishes (gift from MIL), dusting and vacuuming, and maybe we'll get closer to full decoration on the tree.

The amusement park sounds great, Esperanza.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

The amusement park for kids with disabilities is such a great a idea, esperanza. Is the sleepiness just a temporary side effect? (But considering that a lot of similar meds have the side effect of difficulty sleeping, for kids, this sounds like one of the better ones.)

AW: E's fever seems to have broken for good (knocking wood), and she's coughing so much less than yesterday. I've even managed to wrap a few presents!
W: she's struggling with understanding why she can't go to her Christmas program, since now she's feeling a little bit better. Considering how convinced we are that this is actual influenza, there's no way I'm letting her go and cough all over all 60 preschoolers, from the combined classes. Merry Christmas, auditorium full of families! Influenza.
AW: all my resources say that she's no longer contagious either 7 days after she's caught it (including one day before symptoms began), or 24 hours after the fever breaks. Either way, things look good for her attending her robotics Christmas party on Friday. So, she'll get a little bit of preschool fun this week.
Also also AW: it seems like my symptoms are staying really minimal. A bit of a sore throat, and very rarely a cough. The flu shot was very much still worth it.
Also also also AW: I wrapped Christmas presents! I'm braising a pork shoulder in root beer, for a one-day-early birthday celebration for Mr. Q! (He has to attend a banquet tomorrow, on his actual birthday.)

Anonymous said...

QWP, our pediatrician always told us 24 hrs of no fever with the flu.

Sleepiness is supposed to be a temporary adjustment, but wow is she drowsy today. I’m glad that we didn’ try to start this while she was in school.


Queen of West Procrastination said...

So wise to start those meds over the break, esperanza. I'm glad the drowsiness is temporary.

By the criteria of 24 hours without fever, E would even be safe tonight! (But we'll stay home tonight, and take it easy tomorrow.)

W: my throat is feeling miserable.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Okay, now I'm taking E to the doctor tomorrow. The fever had returned, after being gone for more than 24 hours, and her throat is now sore. I suspect either an ear or throat infection.

kathy a. said...

We've moved on up to the Power Decorating of the Tree phase of festivities, because enough with all the boxes in the front room. So far, I'm mainly the one power decorating. (We've been on lazy decorating for a few days...) This tree is not going to be in the top 10 ever, but nobody will notice.

kathy a. said...

Also, Esperanza? Practicing pills with tic tacs is totally inspired!

kathy a. said...

Oy, QWP! Y'all have had the plague lately. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Pill confessions: the doctor suggested tic tacs; I didn’t think of it myself. Nor did I plan the rollout over a school break. That was accidental, but fortunate.

QWP, I’m so sorry the fever returned!


Queen of West Procrastination said...

Such a clever doctor! And I'm glad that the timing accidentally worked out so well, esperanza.

AW: So, I was starting to write up a whine about how I'm going to have to haul a sick kid around on a cold day, while I'm feeling so rotten, and then I started to whine to Mr. Q about this instead. And then he realised that another teacher owes him her prep time (he covered one of her classes recently), and that he can take tomorrow afternoon off, and take E to the doctor, if I need it. Tomorrow is his birthday, and he's likely spending it teaching in the morning, taking a kid to the doctor, and then attending a school banquet.

Anonymous said...

QWP, glad you don't have to go to the doctor with E yourself, and hope you feel better soon!!

--Neighbor Lady

Anonymous said...

also Happy Birthday to Mr Q!

Sue said...

((((kathy))) Yay for getting the tree decorated!

The tictac pill swallowing practice is a great idea.

(((QWP))) Ugh, what a time you're having with all the fevers and ick. :(

Happy Birthday to Mr. Q!

W: As anticipated, my dad and stepmom are having a dreadful time on my sister's stairs. We've had a good bit of snow since they arrived as well, so there's ice underfoot wherever they go. Stepmom is much more frail than when we last saw her in September. It still boggles my mind to imagine why two such fragile people felt they had to travel at Christmas.

AW: No ER visits yet.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

It's a sign of how poorly they're doing, and how dreadful the last visit was, that your AW is that they haven't been in the ER yet, Sue!

AW: E finally had a great sleep last night (12 1/2 hours!) and woke up with a perfect temperature, and without coughing. I've sent Mr. Q the message that he doesn't need to take the afternoon off. She even ate two bowls of porridge without coughing!

Queen of West Procrastination said...

W: she's being pretty difficult to manage, however, and I feel so sick.

kathy a. said...

Sue, so sorry that your father and stepmother are having such (predictable) problems.

Happy birthday, Mr. Q! Glad E is better.

Mr. Neighbor's daughter reports that he "turned a corner" and stayed alert most of yesterday. Still bedridden and with a feeding tube. No more parking incidents.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

E's cough has started up again. Her temperature is still down, but considering that it stayed down until evening yesterday (and her throat is very sore), I'm calling it: time for Mr. Q to come home and take her to a walk-in clinic. Better now than waiting forever for a clinic on the holiday weekend. (I've done it before, and it's terribly depressing. Also, is there any Christmas music more depressing than the Christmas music played over tinny speakers in a medical waiting room?)

kathy a. said...

Oh, my. Well, hope that the doc sorts it out for E.

Today: Dog to day care, due to too much energy! Round 2 of grocery shopping (almost everything). Even more excess books found in a mysterious unexpected place; and daughter took them all to the Free Book Exchange, where the vultures descended immediately. Electronic recycling to its place at the recycle center. Throws for a chair and ottoman in the front room are in the wash. Holiday dishes about to be loaded in the dishwasher; space arranged for storage until needed. Dinner will be leftover pork roast, a pot of rice, and salad. Whew!

Queen of West Procrastination said...

That's an amazing amount of progress, Kathy!

AW: no bacterial infection! E did really well at the doctor's office, and now I have my reassurance that we've made the right choices with her (and that she's indeed getting better). I think I'm comfortable with letting her go to school tomorrow afternoon, for their robotics Christmas party.

Now, the big conundrum: we're supposed to be having a big family party here on Saturday. I'm laying here in bed with a sore throat, but I just don't have the heart to cancel it. Even though I've made basically no preparations for it.

kathy a. said...

QWP, this is what take-out was invented for. But are you sure you shouldn't go to the walk-in clinic, too?

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Kathy, if I'm still this sick tomorrow afternoon, I'll head straight to the walk-in clinic during preschool.

AW: I called my dad (he has a delicate immune system, and so I knew he'd have an opinion about whether they should be at our house on Saturday), and his opinion was that it's still Thursday, and since this is a really low key afternoon event, we can easily decide on Saturday morning whether it's wise to have festivities here. This isn't even the main Christmas celebration: it's a Norwegian rice porridge supper (we'll do gifts at my parents' place on Sunday afternoon), and really, the worst case scenario is that I make the rice porridge on Saturday, eat a bit of it for supper (just with Mr. Q and E) that night, and then bring the leftovers to have with our Christmas dinner the next night.

Also AW: thank goodness for @m@z0n, the only company I could find that had the option to buy a gift card online and then print it off. I have not had a chance to buy teacher presents this week! And I don't have the education assistant's email address, and so I had to rule out all the stores that had e-gift cards that were only deliverable by email or physical mail.

Last year, I gave personalized, thought-out teacher presents. But last year I wasn't housebound for a week.

kathy a. said...

I have a friend in Finland, which is kind of in the neighborhood of Norway. He describes a Christmas Eve supper of rice porridge, a soup of dried fruits, some roasted veggies, and I'm not sure what else. The porridge, at least, sounds similar to the Norwegian tradition.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

That's exactly the sort of stuff we have! (Well, it's been a few years since we've made fruit soup.) In Norway, the tradition is that you're supposed to leave out a bowl of porridge on the night before Christmas Eve (little Christmas Eve). I think that it's so that trolls or something don't harm your livestock? It's turned just just an evening meal with porridge.

kathy a. said...

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Whiiiiiiine: the only coughing I did last night was the cough that woke me up at 5am. And I haven't been able to fall back to sleep since then, even though E is doing a lovely job of sleeping in this morning. (This cold has moved entirely into my sinuses, and while I'm happy not to have as sore of a throat, I miss breathing.)

Sue said...

QWP, if we still had weekly awards, "I miss breathing" would definitely win something. UGH. I hope you're feeling better soon. Maybe a trip to the walk-in today?

Queen of West Procrastination said...

There really isn't any point going to the walk-in clinic: it's clearly viral (and caught from E), and at least I'm not as sick as she got. My sister and Mr. Q have the same symptoms as I have, at various stages of this bug. So, the flu shot is somewhat working against this weird flu variant (at least in the adults), but we're still left with congestion and occasional low-grade fever.

AW: I napped! E slept in until 8:30, and after I whined at 7:40, I fell asleep. And E is going to school today!

kathy a. said...

Yes, see the doctor!

Queen of West Procrastination said...

I should clarify that when I said "I miss breathing," I meant that my nose got plugged up in the night! Tonight, I can take the good cold meds (nighttime stuff hits me hard and makes me very hungover the next morning, and so I don't dare take it when Mr. Q is heading to school), and I'll rig up some way to elevate my head.

kathy a. said...

Happy Birthday to PK!

Checking stuff off the list! Hoping to get the most dreaded cleaning tasks out of the way today + tomorrow, little bit at a time.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Is today PK's birthday? Happy birthday, PK!

Mr. Q is now getting sick with the same thing I have (and my sister has), and he ended up with a migraine this afternoon, from the sinus/ear pressure. We've cancelled tomorrow's party, and are going to have a cozy day at home, just the three of us. But we'll still make rice porridge and light candles. (My sister might come over in the evening, since she already has our plague, and my parents are going out to a different party in the evening.)

Sue said...

Well done on the To-Do list, kathy!

Happy Birthday, PK!!

QWP, a cozy day at home sounds like a very good plan. So sorry Mr. Q is now fighting this beastly virus too. :(

AW: Had a visit with my dad yesterday. He and my sister and BIL dropped in for an hour or so. (This is the other local sister - not the one in whose home dad an step are staying in). He's very frail, but he had his hearing aids in and took part in the conversation. All in all, a good visit. Stepmom didn't come with them but sent her best wishes. She was tired from her tests the day before (inconclusive) and wanted to rest.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

I'm so glad things have been going well so far, Sue. It sounds like you had a lovely visit with your dad.

Flu Watch 2017: it turns out my in-laws caught it from E, when they babysat a week ago. They've had a rough go of it (here, I'm seeing the difference in how it's going for those who didn't get the shot, and those who did). My sister is also coming down with the same symptoms as me, about three days behind me. We now need to keep my dad safe from this plague. (So far, he and Mom are doing great, and are on a second day of making fun Norwegian food.)

kathy a. said...

Glad you had that nice visit with your dad and sister, Sue! I can so relate to "had his hearing aids in" -- my dad kind of hated his, and lots of times he thought he was following the conversation, but then he'd pop in with something totally off the wall, because he hadn't heard much. ;)

Yikes about the flu, QWP!

Still checking things off the list! Yet another grocery run, since I did not lay in adequate supplies for *before* Christmas -- oops.

Mr. Elderly Neighbor has been somewhat more alert, but is still bed-bound and unable to eat (so there's a feeding tube). They are talking about discharging him to a nursing home, which the family does not much like, but going home like this is not an option. Don't think anything will be resolved over this long holiday weekend. The son got sick yesterday and came home mid-day. They all have to be exhausted after all-day vigils for over 2 weeks....

Later, I get to do my favorite Santa thing and sort out the stuff for stockings!

Anonymous said...

Sending healing thoughts northward, QWP.

Sweet’s sleepiness seems to be gradually improving. My patience levels seem to be gradually deteriorating, both with her and Mini. Not coincidentally, i have a buttload of work to do.


kathy a. said...

Esperanza, hope there is a little miracle to help you get stuff done; and that sleep improves all around.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

We've made it to Christmas Eve! Sue and Esperanza, I hope things run smoothly this evening (and tomorrow? Whenever your Christmas services are).

AW: the three of us feel a little better today (and are planning on going to exchange gifts with my side of the family this afternoon), but I have no voice! Mr. Q wasn't surprised by that, because between the powerful cold medicine I look last night, and my plugged nose, I was snoring like a buzz saw last night! Loudly enough to waken my sleeps-through-everything husband!

kathy a. said...

Brownies baked! Dip and sauce made. Baguette thin-sliced and ziploc-protected against staleness. Today: chiles rellenos, quiche, pumpkin pie. Possibly another dish, also. Sort stocking contents.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Oh, that sounds delicious, Kathy!

I made it through my family's Christmas dinner and gift exchange! We tried to keep the sick and well people separate, and had Kleenex and hand washing stations set up. (And separate hand towels in the bathroom!) Also, my parents gave me an ice cream maker! Tomorrow afternoon, we're going to have fun making blueberry sorbet.

My Christmas day should be pretty low key! Until the evening, it's just going to be the three of us. My SIL is a nurse and has to work during the day, and so we're going to do our gift exchange and dinner on a later date, but she's coming over (as are the rest of the in-laws) after she gets off work (well after E's bedtime). So, the only food to plan is snack food, and if I choose, I can spend most of the day in jammies.

kathy a. said...

Hooray for family events, people on the mend, and jammies!

I also got a mixed rice dish done. The rice cooker is in the running for best small appliance, although the toaster oven and immersion blender and small food processor have all gotten a workout today.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmad to all celebrating pixies! I am done with chirch and waiting for Mini to go the fireplace to sleep, so that I can create the treasure hunt gift for the Baboos. Church went well, and someone brought me homemade tamales, which are a regional Christmas tradition. They were my supper, and they were delicious.

Anonymous said...

That was esperanza. And I have not been drinking, though the phone typos suggest otherwise.

kathy a. said...

Tamales! Yum! And oh, I remember Christmas Eve being a hard time for sleep to come to certain persons, and the morning starting oh so early when my kids were around the ages of yours. We invented a special holiday rule called, "stockings only until the parents are finished sleeping." ;)

Queen of West Procrastination said...

A treasure hunt gift! How fabulous, esperanza. It sounds like everything went well today.

Anonymous said...

We have a “wait till Daddy wakes up” rule, because he has a midnight service.

kathy a. said...

Oh my! The owner of a local gift store is having a "procrastinators anonymous meeting" from 4-5 tomorrow! LOL