
Monday, June 26, 2017

This and that, that and this

 Minnie smelling the roses.

We're almost halfway through the year, can you believe that?

Weather report:  Our weather moved out of the broil zone.  Of course, that means the "marine layer" sticks around most of the morning; but it also means we are no longer considering whether we could fit in the freezer at the supermarket, or other creative measures.

Gourmet corner:  Today I'm attempting to use as much excess produce as possible in a crockpot stew, along with some stew beef.  The fridge, she still overfloweth with bounty that has not yet gone past prime.  

Pet news:  Junior cat love love loves this box with tablecloths in it so much that I have not seen fit to wash the fur off and put everything away.  Senior cat keeps looking out the glass door for that giant cat who came to visit her the other day.  As usual, very exciting pet news.

Impending Empty Nest news:  Daughter has been bookmarking apartment possibilities for our hunt in July.  She claims she is starting to sort the mountain of stuff in her room.

My guess is that there is more exciting news at your house.  Tell us!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Justifiable Whining about the State of the World

This is one of those days when too many horrible things are happening, too many to list, too many to absorb, too many.

Not to mention that Mini has been up since 4:15 a.m. and found it quite unreasonable that I wouldn't let her have screen time then.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Soooooooo Tired Edition

The last of the wedding festivities was an open house yesterday, at the in-laws.  Apparently the happy couple kept partying until an unspeakable hour, so they arrived late, but it was casual and nice, people drifting in and out, someone tossing more food on the buffet every so often.  We contributed a bunch of leftovers, since I definitely over-bought for the picnic.  The rest of the GS cookies turned up at the in-laws' house, too.

After, I took a nap, ate a snack, and went to bed for close to 10 hours. 

Anybody want some pineapple?  Watermelon?

What's going on with you?

ETA:   Cat in a box with tablecloths.  I'm pretty sure more of this kind of stuff would make the entire world better.

Monday, June 5, 2017

First time hosting in a while.

Thanks QWP for refreshing my hosting info! Whine away, everyone!