Oh, the competition is tight this week, Pixies! Whatever Sue's happy cat is taking, a lot of us could use some of that. Or the more traditional good night's sleep, margarita, peace and quiet, and/or chocolate.
Congratulations! to Miranda, on an interview that went well (with the place she doesn't really want, and best wishes for Dream Job); to Liz, for the job possibility via a fellow whiner; to Madeleine, for Snuggly Girl's placement with the great 3d grade teacher; and Redzils, whose dissertation proposal rocked!
Old Skool Awards to: Sarah, whose dishwasher replacement saga morphed into a water softener crisis; Madeleine, for stoopid speeling; and Amy, who always forgets to turn the timer on for pasta. Nods of recognition all around for these kinds of mishaps.
Style [prose division] Award to DevilMacDawg, for her stunning entry:
Antiwhine: Little Miss S did NOT poop in the tub.
Whine: She didn't quite make it to the potty.
So it goes. Happy Wednesday!
I'm appalled (APPALLED, I say!) to hear that the instructor of an 8 a.m.
writing class would hold the students responsible for getting there, like, at
all. I mean, was Thoreau up at 8 in the morning writing Walden?! Oh, yeah, he
probably was. But he was a weirdo, so that doesn't count.
Golden Classroom Award to Klee, who deserves to not be treated like some fireplacing doormat, already.
Waaaaah! of the Petites Awards to: Esperanza's Sweet Baboo, cruelly deprived of second-by-second grandparental attention; and to Jenr's Baby Boy, inflicted with the dreaded shots.
Much Pixie love to: Sue, still with the headaches; and Margalit, struggling through another rung of the Fireplace.
The Orange Bowl Award to Amy, whose husband is so convinced this is the perfect baby room color that it is happening, baby, no matter what. Orange!
Weather switcheroo proposed for Sue, who just wants to wear shorts for one lousy day but instead has snow falling nearby, and everyone who needs to turn off the heat; also, for those flooded and those droughted.
Hugs and condolances to all the Pixies afflicted this week by [among other things]: bad stuff; husbands working themselves silly; students disappearing with the poor excuse of summertime; house selling; family illnesses, and anticipating the loss of a loved one; weather, cold or the other extreme; pukies; plumbers; family weddings; headbanging interviews; neurotic cats; grocery shopping; poop; lack of sleep; parking tickets; anticipated disillusionment; waiting for word; home improvement projects; trouble planning bloggy playdates!; stolen money; messy houses; insurance woes; smells like teen spirit; kids who sleep like whiney, cranky babies; and unexpected projects now due.
Here's to better days! See you next week, when our good friend Klee will host the festivities with her usual charm and fun.