
Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Week of the Wonderland Checklist

Double points for Alice references to Sue, who shared “…a theory [that] Lewis Carroll's creation of Alice's world actually came from his migraines? The reason all of the characters are so out of proportion and size is that his migraine auras were so bad that his world actually looked like that at some points.”

Sue, we hope you didn’t spend too much of this week “down the rabbit hole.”

Neighbor Lady also gets the Alice points, for her Wonderland-sized dust bunny vs. In Law showdown. And I am terrifically jealous of Sarah at ratatat’s experience with a delightful acrobatic Alice in Chicago.

Underwear made a prominent appearance this week. We Pixies are fans of bright unmentionables that make us “feel all pretty and stuff” even if the outfit over the top is “sadly ordinary.” Kathy a., we sympathize over the potential horror of “insufficient underwearage” on vacation.

The Elevated Risk of Mullet Award goes to Madeleine this week, for her report of dripping (kosher!) grease on the synagogue tax receipt. (Ba dump bump.)

It was a tough week for mamas of babies. amy, we hope Tater is feeling better and that your ER visit quickly becomes a distant memory. esperanza gets the Velcro Baby Award, for the Mini-Baboo who wants to be held All.The.Time.

KLee wins “Sometimes Cookies are the Problem (not the solution)” award for her struggles with the horror of cookie season on the wrong side of the sash. KLee, you deserve more support from your co-leader and those parents. I hope you get it soon!

Days gets the Déjà Vu Award for another week of “sick kid, traveling spouse, adoption limbo and imminent snowstorm.” Days, we hope limbo resolves and the spouse and new family member make it home soon!

Much sympathy to pixies with cut fingers, snotty noses, sobbing children, disliked songs echoing in their heads, weird kitchen smells, not enough sleep, work insanity, and general whinables.

Congratulations to pixies headed on vacation (insanity notwithstanding), pixies whose forecast tsunamis failed to appear, and those who find solace in lists.

Total Pixie Sympathy to Jeni, who is waking up in the wee, small hours, anxious about job prospects. Jeni, the right job is out there, and they will be lucky to have you!

As Sue said, Amy wins this week for, “Remembering what it's all about. 60 miles. You *can* do it!!!”

Sarah at ratatat gets my sympathy for her over-full weekend with a forecasted risk of third-wheelism. Introverts of the world unite! Let’s (not) meet at 8 pm on Tuesday – we’ll honor our common cause with you staying home in your pajamas and I me staying home in mine. Any other introverts out there are invited to (not) join us!

And, when my magic wand shoes up, my first action will be to dispatch “magical cleaning fairies” to all those in need. I requested it years ago, so my wand will be here any day. Right?

Virtual programmable thermostats and cleaning fairies for all!

- Please pardon the lack of pictures and fancy colors this week. It’s 7:30 pm here, and I have to go to bed, since I spent the weekend volunteering at the dog sled races, and got most of my sleep in 10 minute sections between 12 and 3 am. I am almost too tired to type, and definitely too tired to wrestle Blogger –

See you next week, Pixies, when Madeleine will host!


Miranda said...

Great awards ceremony, Redzils.

kathy a. said...

lovely awards, redzils!

Madeleine said...

Hosting Under Duress Award to Redzils for writing a wonderful awards ceremony after sleeping on a sled-dog schedule!

kathy a. said...

yes, what madeleine said!

kathy a. said...

p.s. -- the introvert (not)meetup is brilliant! i'm totally in.

Jenevieve said...

I third the HuD award! Thanks for the sympathy, guys, I know you've all been in job-search crises before, so at least I'm in good company! Don't worry, I'll be back to whining about vet school again pretty quickly.

redzils said...

I realized I should say, volunteering at SLED DOG races. Not greyhound races.

I was helping teenagers mush dogs that love to run. Promise.

kathy a. said...

redzils, we're sure you are an angel for iditarod athletes, canine and human alike. just another reason we love you.