
Friday, June 20, 2008

The Awards That Almost Didn't Have a Title

The Miss Congeniality Award goes to kathy a., because she’s so sure she doesn’t deserve it, but she has plenty of kindness for her fellow pixies.

The Dan Rather Award goes to Amy for the phrase “pesky as a cat out of kibble” with runner-up to liz for “as absorbent as a dainty hanky in an Iowa flood.” (Hat tip to kathy a. for naming the prize. Now the rest of us have something to aim for next week!)

Best Whine/Anti-whine Combo goes to esperanza, whose sweet baboo might not need oxygen any more . . . if Mama could stop kicking her own butt long enough to get a good reading on the pulse oximeter.

This week’s Bodily Fluids are courtesy of liz. (We hope you are feeling better about yourself by now, honey).

Bonus Department of Redundancy Department Award to liz and her bean stalks that are growing like bean stalks! Wow!

Superhero Award to Margalit for putting herself between a nasty school administrator and a medically fragile child. Your prize is . . . the remote control for your new AC. Never to be handled by teenagers.

Using Your Words Award to Jenevieve for accurately describing her mom’s chest pain to the paramedics. Gulp. We hope you are back to the relaxing vacation thing again, Jeni!

Pioneer Woman Award to Amy, for best use of forgotten stuff foraged from the medicine cabinet. Tums! The best friend of pregnant pixies everywhere. (Another hat tip to kathy a. See what I mean? She’s Miss Congeniality for sure.)

Old Skool Award to Andy, whose apartment is too short to exercise in. And anyway he’s on the night shift and never sees his girlfriend, so why bother working out?

Do You Really Want To Hurt Me? Award to KLee, for the Very Bad Situation that everyone was hiding from her. Boy, that does suck. The pixies will be here for you next year, KLee, though we’re sorry you will have such compelling material to work with.

Purple Kangaroo wins the coveted prize of Personal Shopping with Liz – I’m so jealous. (Visit her blog to see what I mean.) Have fun at the wedding, PK. You’ll look great no matter what you wear. And, a late-braking (ha ha ha) Holy-Rolley Award to PK's car for carefully rolling out of its parking spot and into the middle of the street -- where it hurt no one and nothing! Phew!

Sympathy to all those needing work, and congrats to those who have found it, even if HR does take an eon to get the paperwork together.

Hugs to Uccellina for the impending end to maternity leave. Those first couple of days? I call them the Twilight Zone. Schedule the first day for a Wednesday and meet us here . . .

And BREAK A LEG to redzils for the long awaited dissertation proposal meeting! Woohoo!


Miranda said...

Wonderful awards, Madeleine. Very creative. Applause

Liz Miller said...

Standing ovation for this lovely awards ceremony. I am so proud of the awards I won and am building a shelf for them.

purple_kangaroo said...

So very lovely. Congratulations to everyone. The Personal Shopping with Liz prize is the best of all. :)

kathy a. said...

you are too sweet! thank you. it is a lovely and thoughtful awards ceremony.